Chapter 16

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Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or the Naruto world, those belong to Kishimoto. Again, this story is mature and includes strong sexual themes and adult language. Lots of drama in this chapter, just because I can lol.

Chapter 16



You bastard. First you show me that life is too short, something I already felt but with you being sent away I was pushed over the edge. So I decided it was time to pop the question. Then you left me with Sakura. Alone.

Sakura, who never had a real wedding. Sakura who's also very emotional in general but add in a pregnancy and you leaving and she's like a newborn baby that hasn't sucked on a tit for hours during a growth spurt. She basically cries all the damn time. And there's no you for me to tap in so I can take an emotional break. You aren't here to help with her tantrums or her emotional breakdowns. You're also not here for her crazy ass sex drive. Which isn't the worst thing, but man I could use a break! How do people do twosome relationships? Hell, how did I do it with Hinata without pulling my hair out? Being the only man is stressful.

Wouldn't change it for the world though. I'm just being a baby, feeling bad for myself. I know that. I also know I miss you badly. You not being here feels off now, in ways I didn't expect. We lived like this for over a year together and now after a few short weeks with you this feels wrong. Fuck you. Hard. In the ass.

I definitely will be doing that when you return. Be ready. It's been two weeks of Sakura's emotional turmoil, three kids' tantrums, Hokage training, and wedding planning.

That's right. Wedding planning.

Our woman wants a fucking wedding. I know we didn't get to talk before you left the next morning, but she's planning something. I thought we were going to just do something small. Just the three of us with Kakashi officiating and maybe the kids will be there.

I laugh at my thoughts now. She wants to tell everyone in the next week and throw a real freaking wedding in like a month. A month Sasuke! Says she wants us to all be married before the baby is born and she's going to be fat soon (her words, not mine!) She did however agree to the last name Uzumaki-Uchiha, so you're welcome.

Don't glare at the paper asshole, I'm kidding! It'll be Uchiha-Uzumaki just like you wanted. The kids have decided to keep their own last names, except Himawari. She threw a damn right fit when we told her she can stay an Uzumaki while her mom takes the new name. So I guess she's changing hers. Boruto told Sarada she can change her last name to Uzumaki later in life. So there's that. She was as red as those tomatoes you like. Then she smacked him and called him an idiot.

But she didn't say no.

Those two are going to give me gray hair, ya know! I said I'd support them in the future, but I'm not ready. They aren't even six yet! Can you imagine having two horny teenagers under one roof in ten years? Yeah, you're welcome for the gray hair dude. Join the club.

There's a dinner next Friday. You should hopefully be back home and if not, try dammit! Don't make me do this alone. Sakura has invited like our whole generation of shinobi. And she wants to tell them all about our relationship and us getting married. Like ripping off a bandaid she says!

If you have any love for me, you'll be there. This is your fiance talking!

Also, make sure you finish your mission. There, that's the future Hokage me!

But seriously, please be here!

Anyway, I know we said we wouldn't write. Sorry, not sorry, I'm breaking that agreement! For your sake! Just figured you should know about the dinner and that the wedding date is set for June 27th. And that I miss you. We all do really. Himawari asks for you every night, Sarada is more broody than normal (reminding me of someone I know!), and Boruto complains that his master isn't here to train him. Yes, apparently he's decided you will be his shinobi master and wants you to train him. Sakura has only said your name in her sleep since you've been gone. She hasn't dreamed about me once! Again, fuck you!

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