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I'm dedicating this to all of you, thank you, I hope you've enjoyed reading my story as much as I've enjoyed writing it :)

I packed the last of my stuff into the trunk of Percy. Percy was my name for the car Blake had gotten me for no reason at all, I'd tried to give it back but he wouldn't let me. I did love Percy. And Blake.

This was it, a new chapter of my life to complete. I'd been through allot in the past year, and things were finally normal. Blake helped Kendall and Oliver with the last of their bags and then walked over.

''I'm going to miss you.'' He said seriously, wrapping both arms around my waist and looking lovingly down at me. I smiled up at him, he was being very calm about this. We hadn't gotten into the same college, which was disappointing, but I was convinced we'd be okay. 

''I'll miss you more.'' I told him.

''But not as much as me, of course. She'll miss me more.'' Oliver commented, grinning and walking over. Blake rolled his eyes playfully and let go of me to hug Oliver in the manliest way possible. Loose, with a series of back slapping. This time it was me who rolled my eyes. Oliver smiled and shook his head at me, walking over and wrapping me into a bear hug, even though we were going to same place. I laughed and squeezed him tightly.

''Hey now, cool it down you two.'' Blake warned jokingly, but was cut off my Kendall tackling him to the ground. '' Ahh! Dude!'' He shouted, laughing.

''Kendall wins!''' She yelled, throwing her fist up into the air triumphantly. I laughed and Oliver released me, letting me go and hug Jake. I thanked him for everything and made him promise to call me at least once a week.

''Oh Molly, I'm really going to miss you.'' Kendall said, sticking her bottom lip out at me. I squeezed her tightly, telling her there'd be trouble if she didnt' visit me. She cried a little bit, but eventually cheered up when Jake came and told her it was almost time to go.

''Okay guys, gather together, gather together!'' Jake's dad called, motioning for all to smoosh together. We stood in a line, with our arms around each other, smiling for the camera. 

''Small bladder Blake!'' I yelled just before it taken, everybody burst out laughing and Blake looked down at me, half amused and half shocked. The picture was taken and five copies were printed out and given to us. It was so perfect I found myself crying,

''What's wrong?'' Jake asked, concerned.

''I just love you guys so much!'' I wailed, somewhere in the middle of laughing and crying. We all had a group hug and said our last goodbyes. Blake, Jake and Kendall went in one car while me and Oliver climbed into Percy.

I didn't know where things would take me, I had no idea what my future held, who I'd meet, what I'd do. But I wasn't scared anymore, I was looking forward to it. Whatever life threw at me, I'd deal with it. I smiled at the picture of us all.

I had no idea what my future held, but as long as those four people were in it....

...I'd be more than happy.

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