Take good care...

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Angry didn't describe it.

Furious didn't describe it.

Livid didn't describe it.

I couldn't describe what I felt; I was both shocked and fuming with rage. I wanted to kill him. I wanted to shift and tear open his flesh with my sharp, wolf teeth. What had he done to her? What was he doing to her? My beautiful, fragile Molly, when would I see her again? My anger turned to sadness as I sat down on the ground,  on the brink of tears. 

'' I'll kill him.'' I whispered, rubbing my face with frustration. I missed her. I needed her back.

'' We'll find her Blake, everything will work out.'' Kendall said, trying to reassure me, her voice cracking at the end. I shook my head, not believing her. Molly wasn't here, things defiantly weren't okay. 

'' His parents house.'' Kendall whispered, slapping her forehead. '' God I'm so stupid! His parents house! He could have taken her there!'' She shouted, stomping her foot angrily on the ground.

'' Where is it?'' I asked, looking up at her.

'' We're so close.'' Kendall whispered, looking off somewhere to her left. '' We're going to find her, tonight.'' she said, a small smile on her face.


A scream ripped through my throat as Noah went to far. With fear and shock plastered over his face he stumbled away from me, dropping the blood covered razor as he did so.  My veins burned as my heart struggled to pump blood around my body. I let my head fall, my chin resting on my my chest, and looked down at my cut and bloody wrists, my vision going hazy. A small sob escaped my lips, the only noise I could make without completely breaking down.  

You're not alone. You're not alone. You're not alone.

I kept on repeating it but it didn't stop the loneliness from seeping into my heart. Blake wasn't coming. He didn't want me anymore. He didn't care. I screamed weekly, sobbing for the loss of my mate. Like the light at the end of a tunnel an idea came to me, convincing me, soothing my aching and dying heart.

What's the point in living if Blake doesn't want you anymore?

I wrapped the fog of death that was slowly suffocating me around myself like a blanket, embracing what was soon to come. I could cope with death, I had come so close before....

The wind rushed through the open car window, blowing my mothers long hair away from her face. Her light, angelic giggle filled my ears, making me smile. My father looked over at my mother, his green eyes lighting up with pure love. My mother smiled at him before turning in her seat to look at me.

Her blue eyes narrowed slightly as she smiled lovingly at me, tucking a piece of dark hair behind her ear.

'' Hey honey, you excited for today's dance lesson lesson?'' She asked. Like any mother she encouraged me to pursue my dreams, and when I grew up I wanted to be dancer! I'd been dancing for a while now, and it was impossible to describe the joy it brought me. I nodded enthusiastically at my mom, smiling widely at her. 

'' Well I think it may be time for some Bobby Vee.'' My father said, making me squeak with delight. It was our song, mine, my mothers and my fathers, it was ours. I watched him as he reached into the side pocket of the car, whilst watching the road, and took out the CD that I knew all to well. 

'' Hurry up dad!'' I giggled, making him chuckle.

'' My tears are falling, because you've taken her away...'' My father sang in his perfect voice, a big smile on his face.

'' And though it really hurts me so...'' My mother sang softly, reaching into the back to take my little hand in her bigger one.

'' There's something that I've got to say!'' I shouted, laughing.

'' Take good care of my...BA-A-A-BY!'' We sang together as a perfect family, my father turning in his seat once again to smile at me as we sang. I smiled back at him, leaning over and kissing his soft cheek.

And then we were falling, falling and spinning and screaming so loud you couldn't hear the comforting music. The car crashed into the water with a slap and swiftly started to sink. Confused and helpless I turned to my mom, who turned to her door as water started filling the car and yanked at the handle, desperately trying to get it open. To get out.

She couldn't, the water was rising slowly and panic crept into my heart. My fathe turned and tried his door, but it wouldn't open, he pounded his fists against the glass, but it wouldn't break.

We were stuck.

My mother squeezed my hand tightly and climbed into the back with me, wrapping her arms around my small frame and holding me close to her. My father followed soon after, wrapping his big arms around the both of us. A tear fell on my head, and I could just about hear my mom crying.

'' Well, take good care of my, ba-a-a-by.'' My father whispered with the music that was still playing, just quieter. My mother picked up on what he was doing, and joined in.

'' Be just as kind, as you can be-e-e-e.'' She whispered, her voice cracking with emotion.

'' And if you should discover,'' I sang, clutching onto my mom and dad, to young to understand what was going on. The water rose to the seat and I flinched as the freezing water met  with my skin and spread up my legs. It was rising quicker.

''' That you don't really love her, just send my baby, back home to m-'' My fathers beautiful voice was cut off by the water invading his mouth and soon his lungs. My mother used her last breath to tell me to take a breath, I took in as much air as I could before the water rose well above my head.

The radio had been cut off as the car slowly sank, dragging us all down with it. 


When I had woken up it was three months later, and I was all alone in the world. Perfectly ready and waiting for death, I sat up against the cold wall, crying silently. Suddenly there was a loud crash and the sound of several footsteps coming down the stone steps. A man shot through the room and tackled Noah, making me flinch.

I could almost see it, death was so close now.

Two people rushed to my sides, checking my pulse and waving there hands in front of my face. I just stared at the one fighting Noah, trying to figure out how I knew him. Soft looking blond hair and green eyes that sparked with anger. 

'' Blake, stop.'' I begged, my voice faint. He heard it though, his fist stopped mid air, pointed towards Noah's face as his head snapped in my direction. He was so beautiful, and I was so happy that his face was the last thing I'd see.

'' I love you.'' I whispered.

That's when everything went black.



This was so hard for me to write,  I kept on going back and thinking it was really bad and stuff :(

Anyway, I hope it is good enough ;)


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