Answer To Life

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The answer to life

Is to love each other

maybe that's why

the cycle never stops

it's a test

the universe has created us and is watching us

testing us

to see if we will love each other

there's too much hatred

in our hearts

and we never pass the test

but hatred goes millions of years back

how can we change?

change our history

change our hearts

into loving each other?

we have to love ourselves first

because the hatred you give others is

only a reflection of your true inner insecurities

so we learn to love ourselves

so we can love others

then we pass the test

we become free

and we are able to do things we only ever dreamed of

there will be no limits

physical, mental, spiritual, emotional

there will be no limits

to the things we can do

we will be able to do anything

so I ask of you

will you love yourself?

so we can all be free

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