Nonsense: Learn To Love

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I understood the words spoken clearly. They were being said to me slowly but I didn't wanna hear why should I hear the words of a liar when I can hear the sounds of angels. Why was it that life seemed sad from the outside but on the inside there was beauty from heaven and this beauty brought peace. When will it stop, when will shadows be here and stop the time from becoming aware, we are not here to judge, we are here because we made it. I tried to understand the words but they never were the ones that helped me. More stopped me from being all that I could be and more. When you realize that time stops for you you can live fully and be aware. You can't be someone who doesn't enjoy the simple words of the world. Listen to the words closely and hear them saying all that you are. You can be there for the people and be there when the light stops. You know what this is, you can feel it but don't get too close, the world stops.

People don't want to be free. Think of a time when there was nothing, nothing to be said or heard and you realize that it was there all along, the world was meant for peace. Be the peace and the world will grant you the one to stay will be the one who pays. Learn to love.

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