How to take care of your body when you get full results

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here is how to take care of your body after your results start to show of when the are complete!

Mammal kemonos: 

you can still use your normal shampoo and body wash but you will have to probably use the certain animals shampoo. like for wolf kemono you can use dog shampoo. its easy for common kemonos to find their shampoo but for uncommon ones like Sheeps, skunks and ect. just try to find the best you can.  shampoo for your ears and tail. it may not smell good but try to find the best one for you. try not to get your  human shampoo or body wash on your ears and tail.  it can hurt alot and burn your skin. depending on your hair type, your ears and tail will be different textures. if you have straight thin hair your fur will be more on the thin side. if you have curly hair your fur will be more thick and fluffy. if you have straight hair dont brush your ears and tail in the shower.  dont put any hair products in your fur at all. you could damage your fur badly.  for your claws just trim them daily! your nails will grow alt faster than usual. make sure to file them and to pick out any dirt from them.  for your teeth just brush them daily. 

Reptile kemonos: 

you dont really have to wash your tail but dont get any shampoo on it at all! your scales will start to break off and you could bleed! and it would hurt a ton.  a little it on shampoo can get on your tail but try to avoid it. there could be some shampoos that are safe for you guys but still be extra careful. your guys tails are the hardest to take care of.  try not to put lotion on your tails. there could be some bad chemicals in that. dont put skin care products on your tail as well!  and with your claws and fangs just brush and trim them daily! 

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