Barbara And Jason, United At Last

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Content warning: Adult content below. You have been warned.

December 26. 2013. Barbara Gordon's apartment, Gotham City.

I finished customising my 1911 handguns when I heard the door unlocking. When it opened, I made my presence clear. "I'm in the kitchen, Barb!" I called. She slowly walked towards the kitchen. "Don't worry, Barb, I'm not gonna hurt you! I just wanted to see you for a few minutes before I headed for Metropolis!" I reassured her. She seemed to be calmed by this, because she walked into the kitchen calmy. "Who're you? Some homeless guy? There's some garlic bread in the fridge if you're desperate." She said, which kinda hurt. "Barb, it's me. I know I look different, but I'm not the sixteen year old fool I was ten years ago. I'm twenty-seven now." I said, which piqued her interest. "That's weird... I knew a guy who disappeared ten years ago. Handsome fella, too. His name was-" She said, before I cut her off. "Jason Todd? Yeah, I'm alive. Can't say the same for the Clown though!" I said, chuckling at my comment on The Joker. "Jay... Its really you?" She said. She looked like she was crying. "Don't cry. Please. I just wanted to tell you something." I requested. "Let me guess, you love me?" She said, quite bluntly really, crossing her arms. "I... Uh... No. I came here to tell you that I'm alive. How's Dick?" I asked, changing the subject. "He's good. He's Lieutenant of the Blüdhaven police department, if you can believe that." She responded. "So, are you two still... Y'know?" I asked. "No. It's okay though. He's with an alien. I mean, she's obviously better looking than me, so-" She answered, getting cut off when I kissed her. "J- Jay! What the hell's gotten into you?" She asked. "Sorry. Just didn't want to hear you insult yourself anymore." I responded quietly. "I like the new you, Jay." She whispered into my ear, before kissing me. I grabbed her legs and wrapped em around my hips, carrying her to her bed. She was sweating bullets. I threw the jacket I was wearing onto the floor, before helping her with her clothes. Can't do the tango fully clothed, after all. As our bodies collided, we started to cry. Not the sad, dramatic, 10-year-old Bruce Wayne cry, but the 'This is amazing' kinda cry. When we both finished, we both agreed to clean her sheets in the morning. The mess was both of our responsibility, 50/50.

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