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1 November. 1999. Wayne Manor, Gotham City.

The burns ached. Firefly really was too strong for me. Bruce was out of town until February, so until then, me and Barbara had to deal with everything. "Does it hurt?" She asked. "Duh." I responded. "How much?" She questioned. "Slightly more than anything Jones ever did to me." I said. "I guess I can help. But I shouldn't do it." She said. "Why not?" I asked. "I mean, we're just kids. And besides, we'd never be able to see each other the same." She explained. "As long as I can't feel the pain." I said. She hugged me from behind. As she held me, she pressed the Robin emblem in the center of my utility belt, which unbuckled it. When it fell to the floor, I smirked. She wasn't going as far as I'd hoped, but a quick handy was good enough. She moved her hand up and down, over and over again. When it was almost over, she moved in front of me, got on her knees and positioned her face in the perfect place. Finally, I covered her face with my juices. "Holy shit, Batgirl." I said, in between gasps. She kissed me.

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