Making Up For Lost Time

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May 1. 2014. Bleake Island, Gotham City.

"So, Jay, since you live here now, you're gonna have to contribute." I told him. "Contribute? You gotta pay rent to stay here?" He asked, his recently clean shaven face shining in the sunlight. "No, silly. You can't just expect me to afford food, clothes and everything we might need in general. You gotta buy your own stuff." I told him, before sitting down slowly. "Barbie, why're you sitting down so slowly? You still like to pretend to be in slow motion?" He asked me. "No, Jay. My spine, remember? If I sit down too fast, the pain'll be nearly unbearable." I explained. Recently, we had discovered that The Joker had survived the bullet that Jason delivered during his escape. This upset us both, since Napier had permanently broken us, although he broke us in different ways. Both attacks were connected. Jack had left that VHS tape locked specifically so I could be the 1st- and last- person to witness it. The plan was as follows; he would wait until I had finished watching the tape, then he would knock on the door, shoot me, and take a bunch of photos. "Hey, Jay? You know how Joker took a bunch of pictures of me after he shot me?" I asked. "Yeah, he took those so he could taunt me with em. Said it was my fault he did that. Sometimes I think it's true." He responded. "Jay, it wasn't. I promise." I reassured my roommate, as he wheeled me out of the elevator. "Hey, why are you so sure that you'll be safe out here? Like you said, JJ can recognise you." He inquired. "Well, I think it's obvious. 'Cause I have my knight in shining armor with me." I told him, before kissing him. "That was a family thing, Jay. Don't get any ideas." I told him. "Your family Frenches each other?" He asked, which made me laugh. "No. Well, maybe JJ would." I joked. He chuckled and looked down at me. This was always my favorite way to make up for lost time.

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