The Bat And The Bird

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May 5. 2014. Gotham Clocktower, Bleake Island, Gotham City.

I looked into Jason's eyes. His bed had finally broken under his weight. His only option was to share my bed, but instead of the traditional way, he decided to lie above me, the only thing stopping him from falling onto me was his arms, but they quickly gave way under his weight. Now our faces were pressed against each other, but it wasn't just our faces. The stuff that happened in December of last year was a fever dream of Jason's, same with the Blüdhaven meeting. He did go to my apartment though. So, by modern standards, I was still what you would call 'pure.' Same went for Jason. So, when he landed on me, he was caught off guard when he found out that I only wore a shirt when I slept. But when he finished thinking about what had happened, the devilish smirk that he'd always had formed. Only then did I notice that The Joker had tried to cut a large smile on Jason's face, as he did with all his victims. I say tried because he only got the left cheek. As I was about to ask him about it, he stopped smirking, and kissed me, tongue and everything. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that." He whispered into my ear. "I have a pretty good idea of it though." I whispered back, earning myself a gentle slap across the face. I liked it, but only 'cause it was gentle. "In. Please." I begged. He shook his head, before using his right hand as a finger gun. He pressed his index finger against my forehead, imitating the act of killing someone. He slowly traces it down my body until he reached my thighs. He started feeling around, before placing his finger into his mouth. "Christ, Barb, you're delicious." He said. Then I felt him taking off his briefs, the only thing he was wearing. Then, he filled the void in my heart that formed when he disappeared. "So, Jay, you gonna keep your promise this time?" I asked him, jokingly. "Barb, of course I am. I love you." He whispered. "I love you too, Jay." I whispered back, before kissing him.

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