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8 days later~

Y/n's P.O.V

My assigned nurse Shira came in as she explained that after I took some meds to numb the pain. I needed to get dressed. I nodded and followed Shira to a bathroom. Once there, I thanked her for the spare clothes and closed the door.

I get out of the hospital gown and change into the somewhat fitting clothes. They were a bit small on me since I'm 5'10 ft, and these are for medium people. So I'll definitely need to buy some new clothes for myself once I get some money.

After changing, I exit the bathroom and walked over to Shira. Of course with also hauling this boot on my leg with crutches. "Can you follow me to the front without my help?" She asked.

I nodded my head and smiled "Yes, I need to learn how to deal with this on my own anyway" I respond as she nodded. "That is true, but don't be afraid to ask for help ok?" She spoke so sweetly. She was too kind in my book but in a good way.

Getting to the front of the hospital wasn't easy but I managed even with one arm. Once out the doors, I immediately was hit by the beating sun. Though looking back to what's infront of me I see Endeavor there with a car. He looked to be busy reading something on his phone.

Well, until he noticed us and put the device away in his back pocket. He then proceeded to go to my side and open the door for me. I thanked him and slipped into the vehicle as his driver greeted me.

"Good afternoon young man, my boss has talked about you a bit. I'm glad to see your in good condition" He spoke. Endeavor then shut the car door a bit harshly as the driver sighed, I sweated nervously and smiled.

"Thank you, I certainly am better than I was before. But that's thanks to the healing quirks from doctors" I say as he smiled at me and turned back around. Endeavor then got in next to me and pulled out a file from underneath the backseat.

"I got you registered as a full citizen of this city with your basic information. So I need you to fill out the rest and fix any mistakes made on the form" Endeavor handed me a blue pen and the paper as I took them.

Looking at my full name, appearance, age and height, I see nothing wrong yet. Though going down to the line I see my bloodtype is wrong. So I used the pen to cross it out and put the correct one.

Endeavor seemed to notice and leaned over to look at the paper. "What was mistaken?" He asked. I use the pen to point it out as he looked at what I was pointing out. "My blood type is actually b/t (blood/type), not that" I say.

He nodded and leaned back to look out the window again. "I'll be sure to have that fixed" he said as I turned back to the paper. Paying more attention to detail in the file so I don't miss any mistakes.

Time skip

We soon went over the whole file and made sure to take note on what was wrong. For some reason we parked at what seemed to be a mall of some sort. "What are we doing here?" I asked Endeavor as he got out of the car. I followed in suit as he then held a hand to me.

"I figured I might as well give you proper clothing before meeting the teachers at UA. Your outfit looks like it might just rip if you move the wrong way, and you look uncomfortable. So it's the least I can do for you"

My eyes widen as I couldn't deny it, I really am uncomfortable with these tight clothes. So it would be nice to have nice fitting clothes. "That would be very appreciated" I say as we head into the mall. Endeavor helped me with my crutches as we walked in.

"Please, can I repay you in any way for showing such kindness?" I ask as he shook his head. "No need to feel indebt, I'll be just fine knowing that you won't be drawing unwanted attention because of your unproper clothing" he said as his glare was focused behind me.

A New World Izuku Midoriya x Seme!Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now