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(Okay I may be changing it a little bit but please bare with me, I'm trying my best)

F/b = Favorite breakfast

Y/n's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning and saw that my room was different. Remembering the events that happened  yesterday I smiled. Getting up I got up quickly and hopped over to my dresser  to get dressed in my f/c t-shirt and some camo cargo shorts.

I wash my face then grab my phone and crutch. Once I was done I walked out and saw everyone having breakfast. Kirishima was the first one to notice me walk in. "Morning Y/n! I saved you a spot" he waved at me as the others also said their good mornings.

"Thanks Kirishima, and good morning to you all too" I spoke as I sat next to Kiri with the help of my crutch of course. Mina was on my left and pushed me a plate of f/b "Here, I saved some for you" Mina said with a little food in her mouth.

I smiled and thanked her as I took my food. "So, are you staying here or going with us?" Sero asked. I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. "We were wondering if you'd go with us to the mall" Karminari spoke. I finally remembered that they went to the mall after they got settled into the dorms.

"Um, I'm not sure, I'm not really good with large crowds of people" I spoke shyly. "Oh come on! Come with us, we'll have a blast!" Mina exclaimed. "Yeah, plus we could upgrade your wardrobe a bit" Hagakure said.

'Why, is my style plain or something?' I thought. "Yeah, and you could get something to match that pocket watch of yours" Momo said pointing to the chain hanging out of my pocket.

I look down and grab it. This pocket watch was the last thing my dad gave to me. I always carry it with me wherever I go. Now that I think about it, I didn't think that his last name was Sasaki.

It sounds familiar but I can't remember where I had heard it from. It sounds like a Japanese name but I'm pretty sure he wasn't Japanese. Maybe he had a Japanese parent mixed and just didn't tell me about it.

"Y/n?" I heard Tsuyu spoke, snapping me back into reality. "Are you okay? You went completely quiet after I mentioned your watch" Momo said. "Oh, sorry" I chuckled nervously. "Where did you get that pocket watch anyway?" Jirou asked as almost everyone went silent.

"Oh, I got it from my dad -" I cut myself off as the vivid memory of his death came into my mind. My breath hitched as I thought about it. "Y/n? You alright, you look pretty tense" Deku spoke as I shook the memory away.

"I-I'm fine just, remembering things back at h-home" I cursed at myself for stuttering. "Alright everyone, that's enough questions for Y/n, can't you see he's uncomfortable? Don't overwhelm him" Iida spoke as he stood up and gathered everyone's attention.

I look down at my hands to see that I was shaking. I put my hands down and look up at Iida. "It's fine Iida, I'm ok, and sure I'll go with you guys to the mall" I spoke trying to change the subject. Iida sat down and smiled as they all cheered.

Time skip

Once we were at the mall some of the guy's dragged me away. Of course by dragging I mean literally, it was mainly Kirishima and Karminari. We went from store to store to store, they apparently wanted to know the things I was into. Clothing preferences, brands for certain things, and even video games.

This was honestly way too much for my body. This is almost worse than what bf/n did to me everytime we went shopping. He was like a girl in a way. Though with guy things and not girl things.

Suddenly Karminari dragged me to a men's formal wear store, while the others followed too. 'Oh boy' I groaned as we looked around at the many suits.

"Hey Y/n look at this, this would totally match you dude!" Sero shouted as he came over to me with the f/c suit. I looked at it, and thought of myself in it. I don't think it would look half bad. Then Kirishima brought over a emerald green suit.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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