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I had just walked away from August as he and Theo were off- well somewhere I have no idea where. 

I was headed off to Page's Library. I sure hope the owner was not named Page, at least spelled like that. 

I walked around town until I spotted the library. It's a grand brick building covered in vines with beautiful brass window frames and two big Macassar ebony doors. (I only know the wood type since my brother is obsessed and I mean obsessed with architecture. Loves wood. Weird obsession.) 

I walk up the steps and open the door. The library isn't busy, but its not empty. There is not a plentiful amount of readers but, it's busier than the library in Zayan. And much bigger. I breathe in the smell of books. I love the smell. It's the same smell as August's room except, stronger. Even with August's very impressive book collection. 

The inside of the library had a lot of copper. Copper stairs, chairs (not very comfy), and book carts. The bookshelves were made of the same Macassar ebony wood and, I just have to say I think August should go here. Considering he's read every book on his shelf. And I don't think he needs to own any more books. 

I haven't got him a gift yet, but in this kingdom, you can gift people library cards so I figured I'd do so since this place looks like August's ideal heaven. Such an avid reader. I could never. 

I run my fingers along with the first bookcase which is filled with very dusty old-looking books. As my fingers run over the spines cleaning them of dust. 

The books are sorted by year and... these are some very old books. I go to a more recent section and scan the shelf. 

"They Both Die at the End", "To Kill a Mockingbird"

Well, those were published far apart. Probably missorted. 

August has too many tragic romances so I skipped over those. He actually has too many generally fiction books, every title known to man. And women, I'm not sexist. And I'm a woman, so that'd be weird if I had something against women. 

I went to a section labeled Non-fiction (Up to date!) and decided to take a peak. 

"The History of the Four Kingdoms" I don't think a prince needs to learn much of that. "The Oxford Dictionary" just... just no. "Traveling in Secret: Four Kingdoms Edition" No... wait... yes! Could this library not have a more perfect book? Maybe in August's last month until full blast royalty shit or whatever he could have a blast! Maybe with his friend Theo, who he's obviously head over heels for. I've read more romance novels than I should have. 

I pick out the book and go to the library-counter-thing or whatever it's called my a normal human being. 

"Hello, ma'am. I'd like to get a gift library card and check this book out." 

"Of course, do you have a copy of the given person's signature?"

I shuffle through my pocket. Voila August's signature, this gift required me to go all out creep and sneak into his room while he slept. I'm going to admit he looks adorable when he's sleeping. Damn, that sounds creepy. My parents would not approve of my inner thought. It's not the cleanest place (But it's not nearly as bad as August's room). 

I pull out the signature (which I tore off a note that was scribbled out and left under his dresser, don't mind why I was looking there) and hand it to the librarian whose glasses are the moment. 

She examines the signature and copies it down on the card. 

She scans the book and hands me both of them. 

"Have a wonderful day!" she says and smiles. 

I thank her and exit the library. I wonder where Theo and August are. I won't bother looking for them though. This kingdom is humungous. It'd be like looking for a needle in a haystack. 

I decide to go to a little cafe called "Whole Latte Love" (I am a sucker for puns.) I go up to the counter and order a small caramel latte. 

After I order I sit down at this small cute table and look through the book, just to make sure I'm not giving August instructions for a suicide mission. If he died while doing this I'd be guilty for the rest of my years. 

I flip through the pages, it seems awfully simple. Risky-ish but no jumping off cliffs shit or stuff like that. August should be able to handle all of this. Hopefully, Theo isn't some clutz though. 

My latte is given to me and I pay and tip since I'm not a jerk and sip my latte which tastes 100 times better than August's drink from the Legend Cafe date. 

I close the book and tuck the library card in a little envelope placed on the inside of the front cover even though I know that's not the purpose for it. I exit "Whole Latte Love" and am stumped. 

What do I do next?

I might as well go look for August. And Theo of course. Even though the only thing I really know about him is he is best friends with August and his name Is Theo, short for Theodore. 

I walk back to where I last saw them which is empty; to be expected. If it wasn't I ought to be disappointed. There were some footprints though, fortunately for me so I followed them. There was a third set a little bit of the way through but I can't find myself to be worried about that. 

I followed the footprints to a grassy field were I could no longer see them through the tall grass. Ahead of me I saw Issac. No Isaiah. I think it's Isaiah, if I'm wrong shame on me. But anywho, I saw him up ahead with a grumpy look on his face that to me screams Severus Snape. No hate to Severus Snape. I love Harry Potter. 

I walked up to this random looking cave and looked around for August and/or Theo. No sign. I suppose their inside the cave. 

"What are you doing here?" Isaiah asks me. Not rudely, so I'll take it.

"Looking around for August. What are you doing here?" 

"My father told me to look after my idiot brother, but I didn't feel like dying at 16."

"What suggests you would die by simply entering a cave with two others? I never knew you were so cowardly." I taunted, bet he finds me annoying, what shame. 

He scowled and I grinned. 

"Whatever, they're inside there; somewhere no idea whee but somewhere."

I nod and wave while I start my journey through this cave.

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