Chapter 1 - Tired Celebrity

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Error's POV

My vision was blinded by the constant flashes of cameras. There were high pitched screams that were emitted from teenage girls. I was beginning to get a headache from it all. However, I needed to pretend.

I had to pretend to be happy and express emotions through body language, as the mask covering my face hid my identity from the world. The mask was apart of my character as well.

I was a singer and a songwriter that went under the name "Soulbeat". I wasn't very successful for the beginning years of my career but, it skyrocketed about two years ago. I had received a lot of fame and money.

When I was younger, I thought that being famous would make me happy. I was wrong.

A tap on my shoulder pulled me out of my thoughts. Looking to my right, I saw a human male that was wearing a suit standing next to me. He motioned for me to follow the rest of the celebrities into a large room.

After walking through the doors, I looked around. There were many tables lined into rows. Each of them were presenting different names.

  I found the table with my name on it generally close to the center. It held my merch and some other things that I sold on an online store.

Sitting down, I took a deep breath before people opened the doors to the fans. I made sure that my fidget was in my pocket just in case I needed it.

  Then, I heard fans rush into the room. Several people gathered at my table.

I felt my anxiety fill my soul but I tried to control it. My breathing picked up and my body slightly shook.

  For what felt like eternity, I signed my autograph on albums, pictures, and even skin. However, it seemed like it was just getting busier.

  My breathing continued to increase in pace. Eventually, I felt myself have an anxiety attack. I quickly stood up from my chair.

Me: I'll be back. I need to take care of something very important.

  I rushed to the restroom. Some fans had followed after me but they were stopped at the entrance of the restroom by guards.

  A slow breath was released from me after I finally had control again. I pulled my fidget from my pocket and tried to calm the rushing feeling in my soul.

  Leaning against the restroom door, I slid to the floor before curling into a ball.

(Time Skip)

  I immediately collapsed on my couch after entering my apartment.

  Holding my mask in the air, I stared at it. I used to like wearing it. Now... it feels like it's suffocating me.

  A sudden burst of anger rushed through me, causing me to throw the mask at the wall.

I shifted positions on the couch, staring out through the glass doors to the balcony. Colors from the city poured in, somewhat lighting up my living room. Sometimes, the city at night was busier than during the day.

An exhausted sigh slipped through my lips. I was tired of all the loud yells, the flashes of light from cameras, and the autographs. I didn't want the fame anymore. I just wanted to be a normal person again.

Standing up, I went to the restroom to wash my face. The hallway and restroom had a cold, intimidating feeling. It felt like a thousands eyes were staring at me.

The sound of running water was the only noise that filled the silence. I dipped my hands into it before lowering my face into the sink. The water felt refreshing after a long day of having to satisfy fans.

When I looked up, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. However, something was terrifyingly different. It wasn't me in the mirror, it was someone else.

I backed away and slammed my back into the wall. My eyes were wide and my breath was wavering.

  The mysterious person had a brown scarf, black stain on his cheek, and rainbow eye lights. He wore a uniform. The clothing was that of a café barista. I noticed that this person had a name tag on his chest.

I read the name quietly to myself.

Me: Ink.

The person on the other side of the mirror, that was his name. I calmed down when I realized that he seemed to not notice me. My cheeks started to feel warm as I stared at Ink.

'Maybe I can see him, but he can't see me.'

  Ink walked away and the mirror changed again...

Showing my reflection once more

A Quick Discussion

Error and Ink are in separate worlds. Ink's being more like our world while Error's world is neon.

Error's and Ink's worlds below. (Not my work)

Error's World:

Error's World:

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Ink's World:

Ink's World:

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