Chapter 8 - Hi Again

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Ink's POV

I woke up slowly, somewhat feeling nauseous. A warm blanket covered my body which made me comfortable in a way. Suddenly I heard a voice, startling me from my peace.

???: Ink, you're awake.

I backed away from the stranger and hid myself but when I actually looked at the person, I immediately recognized them.

Me: It's you.

Error: Yeah.

My eyes jolted around at the surroundings. It seemed that mine and Error's apartment had merged again.

The morning that I had met the singer in the same bed as me, everything was confusing. Then, when I returned home from work, everything was back to normal which made me believe it was just my imagination.

Error: Are you okay?

I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

Me: What do you mean?

Error: I found you passed out on the living room floor. It's seems that our homes merged a second time.

He said while awkwardly laughing, subconsciously making me smile in return.

  I sat up on the couch as I rubbed my face. Error sat on the furthest spot of the opposite end. It was uncomfortable between us as I barely knew Error and he barely knew me.

  There was a silence in the living room until there was a soft meow that came from the floor. I looked down to see Bean. I expected him to come to me but rather, he jumped on Error's lap and rubbed his head against the man's jaw.

  Error smiled as he gently scratched the cat's ear.

Me: Do... you want to hang out? So we can get to know each other.

Error: Sure. How about getting some lunch?

  I was hesitant. I didn't want to let Error know that I haven't been eating for the past week. However I didn't want to decline the offer. Eventually I nodded.

Error: Cool. Where do you want to go?

I shrugged my shoulder. Since I wasn't hungry, I couldn't think of anything off the top of my head.

Error: I know, how about that café around the block.

I titled my head to the side with confusion. The café is closed today.

'Thankfully I passed out on the one day that I'm off from work.'

Me: We can't. It's closed for the day.

Error: What?! That café has always been open. All day every day. If they weren't, I would probably have died from lack of caffeine. That's the only thing that keeps me going.

He whined jokingly which somewhat made me lightly laugh.

Me: I can make us some. I am a barista.

Error: I know.

Me: It's still weird how you know that but life is pretty confusing right now.

(Time Skip)

We eventually found a good place to eat. Error offered to pay because apparently he's rich. Turns out his songs preform great where's he from and he earns a ton of money off of them.

It was a quint little restaurant that was well known for their stir fry. Small tables were placed in neat rows under a canopy outside. A television hung from a post that had been playing a series of Korean cooking shows. Plants in pots lined the windows and fence of the sitting area which attracted butterflies and even hummingbirds occasionally. Small symbols of religion were placed here and there, making it easy to miss them at first glance.

We talked with one another. Error had picked his food and then looked at me, waiting to hear what I had picked to eat.

Me: I'm not ordering anything. I'm not hungry.

A dark expression suddenly appeared on Error's face.

Error: You need to eat, Ink.

Me: I had a big dinner yesterday.

That was a terrible lie. I knew he could tell.

Error: I found you passed out on the floor. I knew that moment all too well because I have gone through it way too many times. Before concerts, I would be so nervous that I wouldn't eat anything for many days at a time. I ended up losing consciousness on the stage.

He was so stern that I backed away a little.

'Why does he care that I don't eat or not?'

Error: I'm going to repeat myself. You need to eat.

I looked at the table, sighing quietly from defeat and slight embarrassment. I couldn't stop thinking...

Why does he care?

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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