Chapter 4 - Reflection

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Error's POV

  The timer from my phone went off, waking me from my nap. The loud sounds rang out which began to give me a headache. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. I was so tired but I needed to do at least some work.

  I threw the blankets from my body before moving up into a sitting position. Outside was dark and the stars were hiding behind tall skyscrapers. The many colors from the lights nauseated me, almost giving me the urge to vomit.

After checking the time, I stood up from my bed and walked into the kitchen of my apartment. My notebook laid on the counter.

  It was opened to a page that had little to no writing on it. What was supposed to be written was my next song however, I had no inspiration.

'I could use some coffee right now. I can go to down the café and maybe... I can get some ideas there."

I closed my book with a sigh before looking at my mask. My hand slid under it to pick it up. I stared at the design, at the face of Soulbeat.

Me: Even though you have been there for me for all these years, I've slowly grown to hate you. I used to think that we were one in the same. I guess we're not.

I said solemnly before setting the mask upside down, forcing it to face the marble counter.

My eyes looked around at my living room. The walls were empty and space was only filled up by a couch, coffee table, and a TV.

I never had the time to decorate and I never really saw the purpose of it. I had no cherished memories because of my lack of friends and family members. If I didn't have my music career, I was basically a nobody.

After shaking my head to break the depressing thoughts, I grabbed my notebook and exited my apartment. Coffee was the only thing that could save my life at the moment.

(Time Skip)

I found the café that I always visited. It was open twenty-four hours and it was not as busy during the night. The smell of coffee and food came to me as soon as I pushed open the door. The scent was calming to me.

A woman behind the register greeted me warmly before going back to her one customer. I sat down at the chair next to the window.

The papers of my notebook flipped open to the blank page. I sighed to myself as I stared at it with an empty mind. I bit my pencil to help my think.

A cup was set in front of me. Looking up, I saw the woman that was behind the counter. I looked to see that she gave me a simple cup of black coffee.

As I took a sip of my drink, I looked through the window. People walked past in a rush to get home for the night. The reflections on the window showed what was behind me.

However when I focused on them, I noticed that they didn't match up with the room.

There were more people and it seemed busier. I turned around but saw that the café hadn't changed.

I looked back at the window, studying the people in the reflection. Everyone seemed happy and they communicated with one another across the room. Suddenly, I noticed a certain barista. It was Ink.

He smiled at his costumers while placing drinks on their table. Ink's smile caused me to subconsciously smile in return.

  I looked at my notebook while hovering my pencil over the page. An idea came to me...

My first song about love

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