Chapter 6 - Merge

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Error's POV

  The bed was warm and sun's warm rays came through the window. I was at peace for the firs time in a while.

However, a loud scream forced me from my sleep. My eyes shot open to see someone on the floor, seeming to have fell from the bed. He looked familiar but I couldn't place it as I was in shock.

I pushed myself out of the bed as he stood up from the floor. We stared at each other, my eyes locking with his rainbow colored eye lights.

???: Who are you and what are you doing in my home?

Me: First, who are you? Second, I live here.

???: No, I live here.

Me: Well one of us lives here and I know that I do.

I took a second to look at his facial features, finally recognizing him. It was Ink. I was seeing Ink in person and I woke up in the same bed as him.

Me: Wait a minute. Your name is Ink, right? You work at a café.

Ink: How do you know my name?! Are you a stalker?

Me: No!... Maybe? I-I see you through my bathroom mirror.

Ink: ... That's even weirder!

He began to ramble which I took the time look around the room. My bedroom was different. It had my stuff but also other things that I did not own.

There were drawings gathered on the corner of my desk and a group of pencils in a holder.

Ink: You never answered my question. Who are you?

Me: My name is Error. Nice to meet you.

Ink: Why were we in bed together?

Me: That's what I'm trying to figure out.

I say as I walk over to my desk. Pulling open one of the drawers, I saw a stack of old notebooks and sketchbooks.

'Exactly where I left them.'

I picked up one of the notebooks and flipped the pages open. They held some of my old songs that I wrote years ago. Ink stood next to me, seeing what I was holding.

Ink: That isn't mine.

Me: I know. These notebooks belong to me. I assuming the sketchbooks are yours?

He nodded as a response.

'Ink likes to draw.'

Ink read the pages closer and he looked at me.

Ink: You're a singer?

Me: Yeah.

Ink: What is your stage name?

I thought for a second, debating if I should tell Ink my music name.

Me: ... Soulbeat.

Ink leaned back slightly, resting his weight on one leg and put his hands on his hips.

Ink: Huh, I've never heard of it. And I listen to a lot of genres.

This caused me to give him a confused expression.

Me: Really? I'm quite famous actually.

  Ink thought for a second but still continued to shake his head. I hummed as I found it weird before closing the notebook.

I walked out of the bedroom with the barista close behind me. We entered the living room, leading me to see the several changes in the larger area.

The once empty walls that I remembered were decorated with intricate and abstract paintings. A tall cat tree stood between the window and the TV. The couch and armchair remained a blank white but they held fluffy blankets as well as plush pillows. Long beige curtains covered the sliding glass doors that led to the balcony.

Ink rushed past me towards the cat tree. My eyebrow arose with confusion as I watched him look at the little house part of the structure. He slowly pulled out an adorable, dark brown and long haired cat.

Ink: I'm so happy nothing weird happened to you, my little bean.

I walked up to them. The feline looked at me and quietly meowed to me. My hand slowly approached its head. The cat rubbed its face in my palm. Ink gifted me a shocked look.

Ink: You're intriguing, Error. Normally Bean doesn't like anyone but me. He's an introvert.

My eyes aimed towards my right. In the kitchen, there were less but still some changes. My mask rested on the counter but I noticed the newly placed coffee products and mugs.

'It seems that Ink practices here for work. That makes sense coming from a barista.'

I sat down at the couch and thought about this weird situation that Ink and I were in. The artist himself said down next to me with his cat in his lap.

Ink: So... you're not a stalker?

Me: Absolutely not. I don't want to get arrested. Besides, me being a "stalker" doesn't explain all of this.

I said as I motioned throughout the apartment.

Ink: True. What do you think is happening?

Me: I have no idea but it seems that our apartments...

Are merged together

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