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Rusty padded into the forest slowly. His stomach was growling quite heavily from hunger, but that was not the reason he had come out here. One of his friends, Smudge had warned of the wild cats who where protective of there belongings and not to do it.

Rusty felt quite safe to be honest. He often dreamed of himself picking herbs.

You see, His sister (Princess) had fell from her fence a few days ago and cut herself. He had found some dock leaves. He had applied them as a sort of bandage for her but then she said it helped ease the pain. Now he was looking for more plants that where good with medicine!

'Maybe I could become a plant bearer so we don't have to go to that dreaded vets!' He thought to himself. Happy at his possible future he wandered even further into the woods. Maybe that's what his dreams where telling him?

Suddenly he heard a soft humming. Quickly he ducked down into wrath of wild ferns and gorse. 

Peering out he noticed this beautiful she wandering by. 'Is she one of them wild cats Smudge warned me about' She doesn't seem that dangerous. 

'Maybe I could just walk pas-. Rusty felt himself go hot under his fur

"You are trespassing on ThunderClan territory!

He struggled for a few moments before the tortoiseshell let him go, Likely expecting him to flee. But flee Rusty did not. Instead he stared at her with his wide green eyes. "I-I'm s-sorry I didn't k-know t-that" Once again he was cut off with the she cat turning to look at him. 

"I'm sorry, young one. I thought you where a ShadowClan warrior, They have grown so hostile in the past moons that I've been getting myself worked up over nothing."

Rusty could sense  truth in her voice and realised he was safe with this cat. But what was she talking about ShadowClan warriors?

'Wait, Is she a wild cat' He had pictured them as massive tiger cats with really long claws. Her claws where quite short and blunt, Like she didn't use them for any type of attack or battle often. And she had a beautiful pelt colour. Her eyes where like two sunsets shining on him. 

"Who are you?" He breathed out before he could stop himself. The she ,who had started licking herself, Put her paw down and turned to face him. She purred at him before announcing "I'm Spottedleaf. Medicine cat of ThunderClan"

"Medicine cat? ThunderClan?" Before he suddenly remembered "I'm out here for medicine as well!" Wow.

Spottedleaf turned to look at him oddly. "Medicine" She repeated. Didn't kittypets go to the cutter and do nothing for themselves? 

"My sister hurt herself a while ago and I used dock as a bandage but she said it soothed the pain so now I'm out here looking for more medicine and I want to be a plant bearer and do medicine!" Spottedleaf had to admit, that was strangest thing she had heard for a good few moons.

But then she got a vision of a night after a battle multiple moons ago. 'Fire alone will save our clan' That was the prophecy. The thing is later that night she had a dream about fire burning through battle destroying anything in its path. Except for herbs. So she had assumed that the cat was a medicine cat.

Suddenly another cat stepped out of the shadows. She looked a lot more vicious. And she turned to face Spottedleaf. 

"Is this kittypet bothering you" she snarled. She had her claws unseathed. Rusty could feel his heart drop into his throat. Was this  grey queen going to be the end of him?

No. It turns out. She sat down still looking him up and down. Suddenly Spottedleaf coaxed Bluestar to her. "You stay here" she murmured gently to Rusty.

The two seemed to be discussing for an eternity when they finally came back. Bluestar he had learned her name was looked at him more calmly and evenly. Finally Spottedleaf mewed "I am a clan medicine cat, I heal and help my clanmates. However I am required to take an apprentice, Rusty, You are the only cat I've seen outside of my fellow medicine cats interested by herbs. Would you like to be ThunderClans' next medicine cat?"

Firestar, But a medicine cat (and a good one at that!)Where stories live. Discover now