Chapter 1: Filler

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Tigerclaw had taken a walk through the forest, not to hunt or patrol. But instead he was trying to calm his fury. 

How dare that brainless excuse for a leader invite a kittypet to be the clan medicine cat.

If he was leader then he would attack a kittypet for simply looking at the forest. Well, having a kittypet around might not be the worst. He could clean the elders ticks and bedding. 

In his opinion apprentices should be trained to hunt and fight, nothing else.

The kittypet could do all the dirty work. Yet he wasn't here to do that, was he?

Now he was going to have to share a camp, get healed by, listen to and work beside a kittypet.

He wondered if he would hate kittypets as much as he did if his own father hadn't left to be one. 

He had met his father at the border, just once. When he was a new warrior he had wanted to go find a flower for his mother, to show her how much he loved her. He hadn't wanted to stray so far but he had ended up near kittypet terriorty.

And there he was. 

His father had been overjoyed to see him. So happy when he learnt about his mother still being well, his warrior name and his mentor. Tigerclaw had been so angry. Blinded by his fury towards his father he had driven his claws into his neck and ripped his pelt. 

It hadn't been enough to kill him as his fathers stupid twoleg was there and rushed to help him. But he never even caught the faintest scent of his father since.

He had gone to the river to wash his claws, and while he was there he found the prettiest pink rose he could. Leopardfoot had been so happy and was near tears while she said "I've never done anything to deserve a son as kind and thoughtful as you, my sweet Tigerclaw." 

He was a bit of a Mamas boy, he admits. But he truly loved her and missed her.

Now, Thistleclaw was the father he had never had. Who had helped raise him and told him he would be a great leader. He would be proud of how far he came.

He had trained him and been the figure he needed to succeed in his life, and he was grateful.

Then there was his sweet Goldenflower, who had just two moons ago given birth to Swiftkit and Lynxkit (I headcanon Tiger as Swift and Lynx's father simply because it makes more sense in my own stories.) they where his kits. His beautiful daughter, who looked just like her mother, was the weakest currently in the nursery, even though Frostfur had her kits just a few days before. His son, was currently the strongest. 

He usually didn't like weak cats, they burdened them all and waste fresh-kill and herbs. However his daughter was an exception. If she didn't get stronger he had planned on her becoming the clans next medicine cat. 

But that kittypet ruined it.

He and Goldenflower had decided to have one more litter after their current litter where  given mentors and made apprentices.

But that kittypet would be there.

So he knew the Clan  needed this.

He wanted to be leader, and he had had the urge to do this for a while now.

Because of the Clans well-fare and definitely not his own selfish ambitions, he was going to kill Redtail at the battle for sunningrocks.

So that's how it happens in this au, he would have done it anyway with time, but he will always insist it was the kittypets fault in this au!

Sorry I took so long, I couldn't get into writing the next part of Spottedleaf and Firepaw so I decided to write a little one-shot, I'll probably end up doing another couple of these!

Edit: I forgot to edit this chapter, sorry if you read it before I got round to that!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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