Chapter 2

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I've decided on a Wednesday update pattern! And at the end of each chapter there is going to be a book and song of the week!

Here is your weekly tag :D : PenguinPotatoMunchi

As Rusty made his way into the forest he picked up a familiar scent. 

Spottedleaf smelt the same as Bluestar had. But there was something else there as well.

It was probably from all the lovely herbs she would have been around most of the time. 

But it was easier tell Spottedleaf from Bluestar (He could smell the scent of Bluestar everywhere, so the other cats likely had a similar one as well)

So it was no surprise to him when he turned his head to find the medicine cat sat there. 

She had a smile on her face and Rusty could here a purr rumbling in her throat. 

As quickly as he could, he trotted over to her.

"I didn't expect you if I'm being honest, most kittypets would not leave a life of comfort and shelter for a life which may lead to your death." She mewed thoughtfully.

She said no more as she rose to her paws and began to move away. Rusty looked around once more and then ran after her. While he was fast compared to most of the kittypets he was no match for a pure blooded clan cat.

Soon enough they arrived at the camp and then Spottedleaf came to a halt. 

"Is..Is that it?" He questioned her. 

Spottedleaf turned to face him and sighed. "Maybe I should have warned you this before..."

Rusty could feel his heart pounding, words like that never meant good news.

"My Clan." She took a deep breath before continuing. "Well... none of the Clans are fond of kittypets."

She turned her head so they where both looking right in the others eyes. "I do not share the same views as my fellow Clanmates about kittypets. I do not belive it is right to judge someone on their birthplace."

She took another deep breath as Rusty waited for her to continue. 

"It may be a good idea for me to take that off before entering." She tipped her head so her ears seemed to be pointing out the collar set tightly around his neck. "They may still sniff out your scent but... the herbs should soon deal with it." She added.

Rusty considered this for a just a moment and decided it was probably the best idea. For a start it was better to take any risks of getting a hostile reaction away (although he did not think he would be surprised if he did not get what the clan would call the warmest of welcomes). And he didn't even like the collar! Why would he keep it?

So he nodded his head in agreement. Spottedleaf got it off rather easily for a cat witch such blunt claws. But there was a short moment of struggle. She took the collar and spent just a second digging a whole with her paws. After she was done she kicked it in and covered it up with her paws, just like a dog (Rusty assumed she wouldn't be too thrilled if he pointed this out though!).

So the two where finally ready to walk into camp. 

Then when they where deep in the heart of the camp a voice scared Rusty out of his thoughts. He turned around to be met with a fierce blue glare.

It was not Bluestar.

As promised!

I know it was short but I don't know what to do with this chapter! I'll try make it lomger next time.

I've also decided that there will be no books part of a series in book of the week just so it doesn't get confusing :)

Book of the week - The Explorer by Katherine Rundell. I ADORE this book. Con, Fred, Lila, and Max are great characters to meet and feel. If it was more popular I would probably wright a fanfiction on it, but if it isn't that popular I don't want to risk people not seeing it.

Song of the week - Rich Girl by Gwen Stefani. This song is just gold. I don't think I could live without it if I'm honest.

Let me know what you think of these things <3

Till next week~ 

Firestar, But a medicine cat (and a good one at that!)Where stories live. Discover now