Chapter 3

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Hello :) 

I'm back again with another chapter. This chapter was the most fun writing so far.

Also credits to HeavenlyBitterMuffin for the cover of the book <3

Well, here it is. 

The cat had a white coat. Nothing special. But she was still beautiful! She had these beautiful blue eyes and a soft pink nose and- and I'm rambling again.

Rusty could feel his heart speeding up. This cat was staring at him like he had just murdered every single cat in the world. Like he was nuts. "Spottedleaf, who is this?" The white cat cut into Rusty's  thoughts and he had to resist the urge to jump.

Spottedleaf looked pretty calm and being questioned the moment they arrived at camp.

She let herself purr and responded. "No need to worry, Frostfur! You'll understand as soon as we find Bluestar".

Suddenly she took a good look at the shaking, nervous, anxious lost little kittypet. Suddenly her face changed into one of sympathy. She gave him a quick lick over his ears before high mewling kits called her back to where she came from. (//We do not tolerate Frostfur slander here//.)

Rusty didn't dwell on her too much, instead he went back to looking around. There was a cat with a dusky brown coat and another older cat with only half a tail!

And there was Bluestar! Heading towards the two of them.

Spottedleaf blinked at her in greeting and leaped up. Rusty did the same as quickly as he could. 

Bluestar looked mildly surprised to see Rusty there.

"He came. That is more than I let myself expect." She purred suddenly and jumped onto the high rock in the middle of the and let out a yowl. 

As if by magic all of the clan came at her call and sat under the rock and looked at their leader, only a couple noticing the funny looking orange cat sat next to Spottedleaf. Bluetar looked calm as she announced "As you know we have had many step backs in training our young because of the slow number of kits being born. But Frostfur has just had a litter of four and Brindleface is expecting. But as for now we do still need a medicine cat apprentice, and this young outsider has agreed to rise up to the challenge."

There was a shocked silence at Bluestar's words. She couldn't be serious...could she? 

I mean maybe if he had been apprenticed as a warrior...

But a role as serious as a medicine cat. 

The cat the clan had to trust.

The cat the clan had to rely on.

The cat who had to speak to their ancestors.

Their ancestors. Not a random strangers' ancestors. Theirs

What in StarClan had gotten into Bluestar?!

A good deal of the cat's half expected Bluestar to announce it was all a stupid joke. 

She would announce it all as a pathetic joke. Then she would either send that stupid kittypet home or demand that her strong, pure-blooded warriors attack him on sight. 

Then when he was gone, they would all share fresh-kill and laugh about it. 

But the warrior saw the expression on Bluestar's face.

She was being deadly serious.


So ThunderClan are not happy.

The only reason this is so short is because my internet collapsed again and didn't start working again until Tuesday night. So I'm going to write the rest of this at school and hope for the best. I don't really understand though because it let me change the cover and stuff but would not let me type :/

Here is the second book and song of the week!

Book of the week- Tiger Heart by Penny Chimes. Words can't describe how much I love this book <3

Song of the week- Never gonna give you up by Rick Astley. I mean...duh 

See you all next week <3

Firestar, But a medicine cat (and a good one at that!)Where stories live. Discover now