Chapter 8

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I lept from Nathan's lap and attampted to pull out a knife that I kept in my pocket for safekeeping, but Nathan stopped me.

"Go hide! Get the other's to go," He whispered, standing up slowly.

"Are you psycho?!" I hissed back. He glared at me and I angrily shook my head. "I'll go get the others but I'm not HIDING!"

I ran off and alerted thee other three. Jem turned completely invisible and took Nathan's blind side to use surprise attacks. Peri slinked into the bushes and Lex skittered up a tree to "snipe".

I dashed back to Nathan's side and all was suddenly quiet. The eerie silence enveloped us and I shivered.

A low growl pierced the silence and I screamed as a wolf-like creature landed on Nathan and took a violent thrash at his face, leaving a bloody trail. "NO!!!!!!" I shreiked, grabbing the knife and leaping at the creature, stabbing it in the back. Jem punched the monster in the face, much to it's surprise and sharp ice shards rained down from the tree that Peri had moved to. Guess she figured the bush wasn't the best place to fight. The wolf-creature moaned and writhed in pain before becoming stiff and lifeless.

Nathan tried to get up, but let out a grunt as he slipped. I ran to him and helped him up. His face was bloody and I could tell that he had been bruised when the monster knocked him to the ground.

I debated on telling him: " I freaking told you that you couldn't fight on your own! You almost got yourself killed, idiot!" but decided that this was an argument that should be saved for a less dangerous time.

"I think that was the only one," Jem whispered. A few more howls rang out. Yeah, wrong answer, Copernicus.

I saw a white wolf-creature in my peripheral vision and dodged it swiftly. More wolf-monsters appeared, surrounding us. Jem and I would have to overcompensate for Nathan's injuries. And shapeshifting wasn't going to help us much in this situation.

I felt a presence behind me and almost took a swing at what I thought was another monster. It grabbed my arm. Jem.

"Nightmorphs. They're easy to kill and die quickly, like clones. They--" Jem socked a Nightmorph as it leaped at us. "disintegrate after they die and you can use wind to confuse them and knock them into trees." He let go of me and sent a blast of water towards one, knocking it into a tree. It became unconscious. I kicked another one in the throat as it jumped at me. If I could've replaced the dozen of wolves with a dozen of donuts, I totally would've. Heck, I'd replace them with piranhas. They were pretty freaky.

Peri threw more ice knives and Lex lept at one of the wolves from the trees, hissing and scratching, leaving it bloody and torn. That's my girl! Nathan flung fireballs and knocked at least three wolves out. There were three left now.

I blew one of the wolves toward an oak tree, knocking it out. Score three for me. Jem and Lex attacked another one and one of Peri's icicles pierced it in the head. I inhaled heavily. We had used more stamina and strength than we even had. Lex had so many scratches and Nathan was bleeding profusely. Peri was probably okay and I had no idea how Jem fared, seeing as he was still invisible. My eyes darted all around the area. Where was the last Nightmorph?

A warm body hit me and I heard a loud thud as my head cracked back against the ground. The blow had knocked the wind (ironically) out of me and I was extremely dizzy and losing consciousness. A claw raked across my face and hot drool slithered down my cheek as the grotesque monster panted, inches away from my face.

"BAM!" Nathan must have used his superhuman speed to knock the Nightmorph off of me. He knocked it out with a fireball.

My breathing was ragged and I still felt woozy. "Sky!" Lex screamed, running up to my side. Jem reappeared and helped Peri down from a tree. Nathan crawled toward me and pushed the hair out of my face.

"She's about to pass out! We need to get help!" he said, his voice racked with pain.

"I can try to stop the bleeding with snow," Peri offered.

"No..." Jem shook his head.

"We need to take her to a hospital," Nathan whispered to Lex. Her eyes widened. Nathan caressed my cheek. I couldn't see now. I felt his lips press against mine. And I passed out.


So apparently there was a shooting threat at my school. I was sick again and didn't even go but whoever threatened to do this is a sick monster. We've already had two seniors die at our school so this makes me really angry. Not to mention all of the school shootings. Shout out to those morons who made everyone worry. Now you know why this chapter is not so nice. Anyway, I'll try to update soon and not be so morose next time but hey, at least you get an action scene! Stay safe guys! And I love all of my readers! Whatever trials ya'll are going through, stay strong!

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