Chapter 10

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I can't even describe how grateful I was to find out that Lex had a pair of leggings and Uggs in Talia's backpack. I was overjoyed, warm, and not naked...but I almost wanted to cry because I find Uggs and leggings a hideous combination. Also, my cat ears still hadn't disappeared yet. You'd think they'd be cute, right? Awww, just like those girls in that anime show! No. Just, no. Not only were they extremely twitchy and oversized but every time I had to squeeze past a tree, they would get caught momentarily. Which is not what I needed right meow. I apologize for my horribly corny joke. I'm starving. Like I said, I want pancakes...

"Hey! It's a Waffle House!" Lex pointed out. Close enough.

"You eat at Awful House?" Nathan joked. Lex threw him the look of deathly doom. I knew this look well. It was the same look that Lex gave me when we were eight and my cat ate her hamster. To be fair, she left its cage wide open...

"Got any better ideas, flamer?" Lex growled. Lesson number one: Don't diss the food that Lex likes. She may be cute and tiny but mark my words. She will kill you.

Nathan rolled his eyes. "God, Lex. Everyone knows I'm only gay for Nicholas Hoult and Zac Efron. Aside from that, I'm straight as a french fry."

"You mean a curly fry..." Lex mumbled as she walked in the direction of the Waffle House.

"It's okay," I said. "Watching a shirtless, hairy man cook waffles reminds me of my childhood. Let's go."

Nathan busted out laughing. "Something tells me you didn't actually grow up with a redneck father," he chuckles.

Peri had already followed after Lex. "Come on, my stomach sounds like a cement mixer!" she implored.

"Just one problem..." Jem pointed out. "Sky still has giant ears."

Nathan slipped his beanie of off his own head and put it on mine. Except he had covered half of my face with it. I pushed it back a bit and altered it so that my ears wouldn't look too suspicious. Let's just hope I don't sprout a monkey tail or something...

"Problem solved," Nathan grinned. "Let's go get us some awful waffles!"

"They're delicious!!!" Lex shouted back at him as the rest of us caught up with her. I skipped into the establishment, trying to adjust to Talia's leggings and Uggs along with Nathan's jacket and beanie. This wasn't exactly my normal attire. I felt like a preppy wannabe hipster. What even...

A golden-brown haired waitress sat us down at a table. Oddly enough, she looked to be about our age; maybe seventeen-ish "Hello and welcome to Waffle House! May I take your orders?"

"I'd like a tall stack of--" Lex began. Unfortunately, she was cut off by Peri.

"Talia?!" The redhead asked in surprise, her eyes squinted as if her vission had failed her.

"Wha?" I asked in confusion. Sure enough, Peri was right. This was Talia...

"" Jem said slowly. For the first time, he looked concerned and alert. I was used to calm, quite Jem.

"Talia?" Talia questioned, tilting her head to the side. "No, sorry. I'm afraid that's not my name." She pulled back her hair to reveal a name badge that read: Angel. "Must've had me mixed up with someone else, doll." She smiled. "Can I get ya'll some coffee?"

"Uh...sure," Nathan answered cautiously. Giving Peri and Jem a quizzical look. "Four, please. And one hot cocoa for Sky."

"Sky?" Talia/Angel asked.

"Uhm. The blonde sitting next to me." He answered.

"Oh...your girlfriend?" She inquired, looking slighly more dejected than before.

"Well..." Nathan glanced at me, looking for an answer. I didn't know if I could say the right thing. I mean, I wasn't his girlfriend, but...well, let's just say I wouldn't mind holding his hand, hugging him, staring at him, kissing the crap out of his face. You get what I'm saying.

"I'll just get that coffee!" Talia/ Angel interrupted quickly. She came back moments later with our drinks. Except she somehow 'forgot' about mine. She glared at me when Nathan reminded her of the hot cocoa and 'accidentally' elbowed me in the face as she came back with my order. We ordered our pancakes and waffles and Talia disappeared once again.

"So..." I felt like I could finally breath without irritating Talia/ Angel. "Talia...seems different."

"I don't get it," Lex added. "She's always been so nice to you before. And why is she calling herself Angel?"

Peri, Jem, and Nathan exchanged unsettled looks. Oh, right. Lex and I were the 'new' kids.

"Truth is, we don't know." Peri explained. "But I don't think she's doing any of this of her own free will. Talia specifically told me the one job she would never get would be in the restaurant business. She hates waffles. She's always thought that the name 'Angel' is cliche for a girl with wings. And she's definitely not the jealous type."

"Jealous?" I asked, not putting these puzzle pieces together.

"Of you...and," Jem began. Nathan cut him off with a look. Lex and I exchanged extremely lost looks.

Talia suddenly reappeared, wearing her pink waitress uniform. "Here you go," she smiled at us, plopping my waffles sloppily in front of me.

I began to dig in, but the moment the first bite entered my mouth, Nathan turned around to ask Talia for a fork (which only he happened to be missing). And that's when it happened. Talia grabbed Nathan's face and pressed her lips against his. I suddenly lost my appetite. My mouth dropped and the unchewed bite of waffle fell out. It was as if someone had knocked the wind out of me. I really need to stop using that reference...

Jem stood up quickly. Peri's eyes grew wider than saucers and Lex screamed: "You slut!" before clamping her hands over her own mouth in shock.

Talia let go of Nathan and he took a slow breath. The words that came out of his mouth were heartbreaking. "I love you!" He exclaimed. "Talia, you're...the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on."

I'd never had my heart broken before. I was the one who did that. This...this was the worst possible feeling in the world. That was the moment that I realized I truly loved Nathan. But the feeling obviously wasn't mutual.


Hey guys! I know, I know. This was a major plot twist! muahaha! Will Nathan and Sky be separated? You'll find out soon enough! It's atually been a great day filled with laughter and silly jokes but to be honest, I'm a bit heartbroken myself. Hence, the heartbreak in this chapter. :) Thank goodnes for chocolate chip cookies and Spotify! Once again, thanks for reading! Have a lovely day, you fabulous readers, you!

P.S. Nicholas Hoult is a cutie! He's the guy from Warm Bodies, just in case you didn't know.

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