Chapter 11

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I never was the 'run-out-of-the-room-crying-over-heartbreak' kind of girl, but I had to admit...I was frozen. I gaped as Angel/ Talia kissed Nathan's lips. MY Nathan! MY lips to kiss! Or so I had thought...How could I have been so wrong, so stupid, so naive?! And why did I care? We had a mission! We had to look for the others! So why was this such a huge freaking roadblock?

And that's when Peri turned beet red and slapped Nathan. "What in the world do you think you're DOING?!" She barked "You're sucking face while we're supposed to be saving our friends?!"

Nathan opened his mouth but Peri cut him off. "You better shut your mouth if you know what's good for you," She growled. "That was a retorical question.

I noticed that Nathan's eyes were extremely dilated...unnaturally large. Something wasn't right. Lex noticed too and we nodded at one another.

"Peri..." I whispered. "His eyes."

"Siren Nightmorph," Jem snapped his fingers in realization.

I was totally per usual. Lex didn't get it either. See why we're best friends?

"He's hypnotized," Peri explained in a low voice. I turned back to the sickening scene of Angel/ Talia caressing Nathan's face. Peri was right; he stared blankly at her...okay, so he looked all starry eyed and lovestruck too, but that had to be hypnotism.

"He BETTER be hypnotized or I'll be kicking some serious booty!" Lex narrowed her eyes.

"What I wouldn't give to have Sam here..." I sighed.

"" Lex annunciated. She ponted a shaky finger toward a boy behind the counter, serving up a plate of bacon and eggs with...was that a hair in there? Okay, focus, Sky...

"Looks like our wish came true," Peri said, standing up slowly.

"Is that...Sam!?" I gasped. ""

Sam turned his head toward Peri and his mouth dropped open. He looked just like a grouper fish. A ginger grouper fish. Yeah, that made no sense. My A.D.D. kicks in at the most inappropriate times.

Peri made her way over to him but Sam shook his head quickly, terror in his eyes. That's when Angel (since I figured she was merely a nightmorph disguised as Talia) whipped her head around and glared at Sam, her eyes glowing a golden color. Sam cringed and Angel's wings sprang open, frightening a few nearby customers.We were probably going to have to wipe the memories of a lot of people we had freaked out in the past couple of days. She dashed towards Sam, knocking down the table and it's contents. Lex squeeled as orange juice splashed into her face. Poor Lex. I sprang onto Angel, grabbing her by a wing and wrestling her to keep am safe. Peri grabbed Sam by the arm and ran. Jem picked up the still lovesick Nathan and swung him over one shoulder. Nathan pounded on Jem's muscular back. "No! I have to save Angel! I have to! Let go of me or I'll kill you!" Nathan yelled. Woah. Who knew he was such a drama queen?

As I struggled with Angel (I was totally kicking her butt by the way. But who's keeping score? Oh, right, me.), I heard Sam protesting as Peri tried to drag him out. I couldn't help but chuckle inwardly. I mean, there's just something really entertaining about two redheads arguing with each other.

"She's still here! They have her tied up! We have to save her!" Sam begged. Okay Nathan junior...

"Who?" Peri questioned impatiently, stomping her foot (I swear, Tinker Bell was her alter ego).

"Talia," he answered. "How'd you think the Nightmorph took her form?" I punched Angel in the stomach as I listened in on the conversation. She gasped as the wind was knocked out of her but proceeded to knee me in the chest. Low blow, fake Talia. Low blow.

"Alright, wise guy," Peri said. "Lead the way."

Sam and Peri ran off an Jem carried a very upset Nathan out of the restaurant. I was pretty sure that Lex was still trying to wipe of her OJ-covered face, but to my surprise she came to my aid and elbowed Angel in the back, right where her kidney should be. Angel shrieked and I took the opportunity to headbutt her. She went down hard, falling to the floor in an unconscious state. The downside? I was seeing stars again. Double ouch. I reeled a bit and Lex caugh me by the arm.

"C'mon, Sky, we better blow this popsicle stand," Lex urged. I stumbled alongside her, realizing that even the scary looking East Texas-ish biker guy was staring at us with eyes the size of saucers. His bearded lower lip was trembling.

"Nothing to see here, folks," I slurred as I followed her out.

We met up with the others in front of the Waffle House, only to see Peri and Jem holding a squirming Nathan down. Talia looked delirious and had red marks around her wrists. Aside from that, she seemed safe. Sam carefully approached Nathan and I could tell that he was trying to un-brainwash him. I put a hand on Talia's shoulder. She shivered a bit and looked t me with wide eyes before calming down again. "Oh, Sky, it's you!" she clung to me and I smoothed down her hair. She looked a wreck.

Nathan finally halted and ceased his caterpillar dance. He breathed heavily and finally shut his eyes.

"Uh...was that supposed to happen?" I asked, a bit worried.

"He's just fought too hard. Let's let him rest," Sam rubbed his temples. "Mind control is actually very exhausting."

"Yeah...well, we can't exactly leave him in front of Awful House," Peri pointed out. Lex pouted at the reference.

Jem slung Nathan over one shoulder again and I held onto a shaking Talia. Sam looked back at us and held onto Talia's hand. She cluung to him and buried her head in his chest.

"What happened back there?" I inquired with concern.

"Let's not talk about it now," Sam suggested, heaving Talia onto his shoulders. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head in his red hair.

New couple? Plot twist...


Hey guys! Looookkk! I finally updated!!! Be proud of me! Lana del Rey and Frank Ocean helped me get over my sad feels. :) Hope ya'll liked this chapter and expect more soon since this is my last spring break! Love you all so much! Have a super-duper-great break!!!!!!!!!!!

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