Chapter 3

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I zipped open the large front pocket on my rolling suitcase and began taking out all of the things I could never live without: My collection of Sarah Dessen books (I keep them hidden from Lex. She has no idea I'm actually a hopeless romantic), my teddy bear, Rufus, that I've had since I was five, my favorite pair of fuzzy, rainbow-striped socks, my sketchpad, a bag of gummi bears, an amazing amount of shirts, skirts, jeans, leggings, shoes, etc., my phone, and of course, my Ipod (I would definitely die without music). I placed all of the listed items in their proper places and slipped my headphones on, sprawling out on the bed, and began sketching my mother. I never did mention that Lancaster Academy is kind of like college in that all of the students are required to stay in dorm rooms. I was definitely going to miss my family. What would they say-what would they do- if they found about my powers? I shook the thought off. Now I just had to wait and see who my roommate would be.

As if on cue, Lex slammed the door open and bounced into the room, acting bubbly as usual. I breathed a sigh of relief. At least I knew who my roommate was. Not that I didn't like meeting new people but Lex and I have known each other since grade school and I felt pretty comfortable around her, more than I did around people I didn't know.

"OHMYGOSH!" Lex squeeled, her eyes oggling the bag of gummi bears I had carelessly left on the floor. "Sky, are those gummi bears!?"

I snatched up the bag and clung to it possesively. Once Lex found sugar, it was only a matter of minutes before she would devour all of it. "Stay..." I commanded.

Lex froze. "Half the bag?" she begged.

I raised a dubious eyebrow at her. "Only if I can divvy it up," I said, meeting her half-way.

"Deal!" she yelped happily, racing toward me and waiting "patiently" for her share. I gave her half of the bag, pouring the multi-colored bears into her open hands. She jumped around the room excitedly, popping the candy into her mouth one by one. For a girl with cat-like qualities, she sure did act like a puppy sometimes.

I yawned and stretched (ironically, in a cat-like fashion) and sauntered toward the door. "Hey, I'm gonna go grab a hot cocoa," I told Lex. "Be back soon." I stuffed the bag that held the remaining gummi bears into my pocket. Just in case Lex got handsy and shut the door behind me.

I walked down the pristine hallway and headed toward the break room. As soon as I had entered the room, I spotted Nathan. Geez, why did he have to be so attractive? I always did have a thing for guys with black hair. I gave him a small smile, which he returned, and reached the drink area, shakily pulling out a packet of Swiss Miss cocoa, the kind that came with mini marshmallows. For a girl who had dated hot guys in the past, I was terrible when it came to the guys I actually liked. I grabbed a blue mug that read "Is it Friday Yet?"...huh, fitting, seeing as it was only Monday and I was already exhausted... and poured the contents of the packet into the hot water. I sat down on the opposite end of the so-comfy-you'll-leave-a-butt-print-in-it couch and took a sip of delicious, chocolatey creaminess. My body was instantly filled with warmth. I guess 'instant cocoa' also means instant warmth.

I stepped out of my chocolate comma as I felt Nathan's eyes on me. He got up from where he was seated and sat down right next to me.

"So, wind Elemental?" he asked cooly, giving me a grin.

I nodded, turning my head to face him. "Apparently. Actually..."

"What?" he asked calmly, not at all demanding an answer, but interested nonetheless.

"I just found out about my," I explained with a shy smile.

Nathan threw back his head and laughed heartily. Was he laughing at me?

"Hey! What's so funny about that?" I questioned, suddenly losing my shyness.

"Nothing," he replied through a chuckle. "You just looked so cute when you said that. Like finding out about your powers just now is abnormal. We all found out about it this year. Every year, the students go through the process until they find out what their powers are. And I gotta say,  yours are amazing."

"I'm Skylar, by the way," I said. Smooth. I couldn't even except his compliment, I just had to change the subject. Sheesh, whatever happened to the calm, level-headed girl I was an hour ago? "But I prefer being called Sky."

"Nathan. Last name Tsu," he responded, holding out his hand for me to shake. I took it and felt a chill course through my entire body. So much for being warmed up by hot cocoa. I'd never felt this way about a boy before. Nathan made me feel like there was more to me than what everyone saw on the outside. Maybe it was just the fact that he still hadn't let go of my hand, but I had a feeling that this wasn't going to be a one sided crush.

Out of nowhere, I felt myself starting to change. I looked down at my hands and alost dropped my mug of hot cocoa. My slim, pale fingers had been replaced by stronger, tanner ones and instead of seeing my hoodie's light blue sleeves, I found myself sporting a leather jacket. I lightly ran my hand through my hair, which was much shorter and black. I looked at Nathan in surprise. Oh. My. Squash. I WAS Nathan.

Nathan stared at me, mouth agape. It would have looked pretty comical if I hadn't had the same expression on my face.

"That-" Nathan finally managed to say. "Is freaking amazing!" He slowly let go of my hand and my body morphed back into it's normal shape. "How do you do that?"

"Not a clue," I giggled. "This is pretty new to me too."

"Yo, Nathan!" Farron poked his head through the doorway. "You comi-woah!" Farron glanced from me to Nathan and a huge grin broke out on his face.

"It's the hot girl!" he announced, as if stating an undeniable, well-known fact. I blushed a bit.

"Her name's Sky, actually," Nathan explained as Farron fistbumped him.

"Sorry," Farron told me and cleared his throat. "Ahem. It's Sky, the hot girl!" I couldn't help myself, I laughed at his silly joke. "But, seriously, man," he told Nathan. "Curfew's in five. We better head back." He glanced at me. "Sorry I have to steal him away. Gotta make sure my roommate doesn't get in any trouble." He winked at me.

Nathan nodded and Farron led the way out of the door. Before he could go, Nathan leaned in toward me and whispered in my ear. "I don't think you're hot at all." My face fell. "I think you're beautiful." Nathan grinned widely at me and got up from the couch. "Goodnight, Sky."

I barely uttered a response. "Night, Nathan..." My stomach felt like freaking harpy eagles were flying around in there. In only an hour, this guy had managed to earn some major points. Ah crap. I was totally falling for him. Sarah Dessen should have prepared me for this.


HI there guys! Sorry if this chapter is so short, I've been a bit busy. Plus, today has been ridiculously funny! How I love random moments in school :) But see, I can't tell you about them if I don't get enough reads. I run on reads, comments, and votes. It keeps my happiness level high!! So please let me know what you think and give me lots of feedback! Oh, and be sure to watch Gangnam Style because it's hilarious! Did I mention that my bff and I have decided to create a band called No Direction because we lack directional skills? ^_^

Okay, bye ys'll! Have an awesome day and remember not to follow suspicious people at school (lesson learned -_-)!

^(-_-)^ Op  /(-_-)/ Op ^(-_-)^ Op /(-_-)/ Op ^(-_-)^ Op !( ' O ')! OPPA GANGNAM STYLE!

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