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indulge: allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.

april 10th, 2110.

"when will simon be back?" louis questions as a variety of cards were laid out before him.

"around 8 or 9pm, he's working." harry spoke as he took the deck of cards that were his into his hands and splayed them out appropriately so louis couldn't see his cards. they were playing old maid. louis used to play it as a child and it's just an old time favourite, it seems harry had a similar familiarity with this game.

to sum the game up; you have a stack of cards (a normal pack) and you have one queen if there's two players. you have to try to get rid of the queen card and if you fail then you lose. in order to get rid of the queen you must allow the other player to select a card at random from your deck in which you hold out and then they'll either receive the queen or be able to pair that card off with a matching one.

"alright," its currently 11:32am so they've got plenty of time together, "would you like to go first H?"

"sure," he grins as he picks a card from louis' pile, he doesn't have the queen which means he's got to choose wisely. "okay your turn!"

louis says this a bit too enthusiastically and he eagerly prompts harry to select a card, he wisely goes for the 3rd one in on the left. thankfully, he did not get the queen.

he exhales a breath of relief as he watches louis pick another card of his and vice versa until a small while later, they're down to four cards each.


luck is apparently in louis' favour today as he selects a normal card and pairs it off with a matching one with an exclaimed 'yes!' in which harry answered with a defeated sigh. he's going to win this.

harry sticks his tongue out at louis playfully as he re shuffles his cards and allows louis to pick again after his go, he gets the queen. the bastard.

louis huffs and shuffles over to him in hopes of trading of back - maybe he could trade it for something like a rose. 'here have this card back and i'll give you a rose!!' harry cannot possibly refuse his wonderful offer. surely not.

thats not the case though as harry's hands cup his jaw and he presses a gentle, light kiss on louis' nose all the while grinning at him like some type of satanic bunny rabbit - his teeth are adorable.

"sorry babe" this has escalated hasn't it? louis feels like he's in a fanfic. what site would this be featured on? 'harry styles' does have a popstar ring to it though. he absently wonders if harry can sing...

anyway, he's losing focus. he blames harry for that. louis pouts at him exaggeratedly, silently begging him to take his card back. "cmon please don't let me lose"
louis doesn't beg often he'll have you know.

"you still could win don't give up!" harry says a bit too cheerfully for louis' dismal mood.

refraining himself from throwing a tantrum like a toddler, louis gets back into sitting with his legs crossed and shuffles his cards, placing the queen two cards in on the right - biting his bottom lip to prevent his deviant smirk from appearing.

"hmmm" harry ponders as he gazes almost creepily at the cards. he's looking at the cards as if the cards are transparent. they aren't. louis' ears pick up the faintest of mumbling as harry skims his index finger agonisingly slowly across each of louis' five cards.

louis peers back up above his cards to be met with the sight of harry's tongue sitting idly on the right side of his mouth, caught between his top and bottom lips. a subconscious action which was weirdly infatuating?

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