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solace: comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness

quick authors note: omg this book is about to finish. i've got only two more of my points to write & then its the sequel...this took nine months bc i kept forgetting & being lazy...

april 28th, 2110

this felt like the first gig in a while - yes, louis took joy in upping the dramatics. the adrenaline that runs through his veins, the feel of singing his lungs out into the mic, the sound of the live music. the thrill. the thrum. to say he'd missed this was a severe understatement.

louis was playing a gig at the dome, in the lower class part of the city (it felt as if louis was always sneaking off to the higher class area).

he jumped into the crowd whilst he sung a cover of 'song 2' by blur, his veins pumping full of adrenaline. "jump! jump! jump!" louis yelled into the mic, jumping as far into the crowd as he possibly could with the metal barricade limiting him.

the dome had a small capacity of three thousand and it was usually full of middle aged men looking to hear some heavy metal band or a tribute act, either way, louis thoroughly enjoyed doing gigs like this even if these people were piss drunk.

the guitarist of his group strummed the last few chords, quickly strumming to 'the runner' by foals. louis' favourite to perform. by a lot.


louis ran off stage, sweat pouring down his temples, his bandmates patting him on the back in passing as he made his way over to the table full of mouth-watering delicacies and a beautiful variety of alcoholic & non-alcoholic drinks. he picked up a cooled stella artois beer along with some random packet of crisps.

louis had been especially hyped about his performance tonight because this particular venue had a great videographer which therefore meant that clips of his performance would be made public. how fucking cool was that?!

after hastily finishing his crisps off, he fell back onto the couch backstage and fell into a little nap...


harry styles - son of simon cowell - dating james clark's daughter?

styles dating clark? promotion or true love?

clark chose style - harry styles & emily clark the new lovebirds?

oh? louis read, skimming through the holographic newspapers situated on the table in the centre next to the entrance door of 'brew for you!'.  what the fuck? he'd heard of emily but what was the relevance? the link? as if on cue the bell on top of the door rang, signally a new visitor...

it was none other than calum, louis' room mate. "aren't you meant to be at work?" he asked, watching calum order a coffee. the cafe was quiet, just louis, him and one of the staff on duty. it was quite early in the day. a short silence followed until calum was given his coffee and sat down adjacent to him.

"mhm" he murmured as he sipped briskly on his coffee. louis has never been one to enjoy a steaming hot beverage or food - he likes it warm but not hot enough to give you a three degree burn. weird, weird guy. "why aren't you?" louis pondered aloud as he carried on skimming his eyes over the article about harry, caught up momentarily in the fascination of him - an average lad - knowing this 'mysterious' styles lad.

"booked today off so i can have a bit of a rest." he responded, making louis tear his eyes away from the article - unwillingly albeit. calum does woke a lot, he's barely round the flat. he works as a journalist who doesn't realise that sleep is crucial and yes, very very vital to your mental well-being. the dark, almost intimidating, bags under calum's eyes giving such facts away.

"yet you're here. drinking coffee. you should be sleeping mate" louis says, concern lacing his voice. louis wasn't too 'crucial' over him, he trusts him to be sensible enough to take care of himself. out of his close circle of friends, calum seems to be able to handle himself the best. he hinders to all of the friend group's needs and his, even with his hectic career choice of writing dull articles - making louis glad he chose the wise path of music which he now finally had a career in, it was about time he  started to make an income so as to not leave calum struggling to pay the last pence in the bills.

louis was once again caught letting his eyes waver over the words, "harry styles and his new date". letting himself fall at the mercy of sorrow. louis felt like mourning something that hadn't even happened, wasn't even real. yet he thought there might've been a chance at an us. but- wait...

the couple seemed to be official mere days after clark's father died, is this her coping strategy? is styles trying to take advantage?

obviously being in the music industry, even as far down louis is in the food chain of music, meant he was and had been made aware of 'public relations' and promotional 'tactics'. this seemed to ring a bell. much like all that drama with the kardashians back in the 2010s / 2020s.


"cal?" at the sound of louis' voice, calum jolted slightly, looking as if he'd been woken by a deep slumber. "have you heard anything about a guy called harry styles and the girl he's meant to be with, emily clark?" louis hopes he doesn't become aware of his sudden interest in celebrities who he tends to steer clear of. "uhh," calum pondered as he rubbed dazedly at his eyes, "yeah. that uh- styles lad, his dad is that moron cowell. seems like pr to me. gotta be. cowell and james were close and after all, the promo on both of their halves seems to be increasingly beneficial." calum finishes, yawning exaggeratedly.

ping! it was if it had all clicked like a puzzle. louis had almost forgotten who harry was surrounded by. he hastily pulls his phone out of my pocket, typing away to harry.

you: we need to talk . - L


and thats a wrappp to my shitty first book !!  completed: 28/04/22. woooooooooo okay that was defo a shit ending...onto the next bye bye!! finished editing: 01/05/22

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