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overt: done or shown openly; plainly apparent.

april 15th, 2110.

a new day. it was around 1pm, harry hadn't seen louis in a few days but they kept up by text never failing to message each other a good morning text or a good night text. it was becoming a habit. anyhow, harry had sent louis a message a few hours ago asking him to come over at 1pm so they could discuss matters which harry deemed important. and, as if on cue, the bell chimed signalling that louis had now arrived. harry rushed down the stairs, don't judge him, and held open the door for louis who gratefully stepped inside, thanking harry silently with a small grin.

harry wanted to talk to louis about the possibility of him holding speeches against capitalists and as louis seemed passionate about the matter he thought he could help him. ever since meeting louis, harry has seen how brutally the lower class are treated. it's opened his eyes to the rawness of the situation and despite louis basically being his employee, he was an acquaintance, someone to talk to, someone who knows more about this than anyone.

harry explained this to louis who was now sat on the couch beside harry listening intently and nodding when necessary. louis agreed to help out, requesting a pen and paper to write notes down onto.

they worked at a speech for hours, talking on and off during it and overall it was comfortable. they took breaks now and again just giggling at each other (harry's favourite moment was when louis pulled a silly face, crossing his eyes, making him squeak out a giggle like a child).

finally, the speech was complete and so they took to practising it - it took many hours and many breaks to memorise it but once harry had mastered the tone of voice, the loudness and the speech, they were good to go. considering harry's position within london, it was easy to convince some of harry's contacts to allow him to preach on a public street - one that was on the border of both classes' halves.


a few days later it was time for harry to conduct his speech to his best ability, louis being by his side throughout it. harry had messaged his friends about it - niall, michael, calum and luke, not liam as he was unable to go  - who'd all said they'd be there to support him. though, harry hadn't specified what his speech was about as his friends were all of a higher class so it was a risk he did not want to pursue just yet. anyway, it was almost 3pm, time to start. harry could easily pin point his friends in the crowd - not a massive amount of people there to witness this but just enough to give him that awful nerve-tingle. he was almost certain they were here because of his title, his father. his speech would shake them to their core...how unfortunate.

with a small cough to clear his throat, he took to the stand put in place for him. spilling his greetings into the mic. "hello, i'm harry," he smiled, not too much though, just a polite smile, "i've come here to talk about the matters of social class." with that statement he earned a few eye rolls and muttering but he hadn't specified which side he was on. yet. "i believe that all people and all citizens of london should be given fair treatment, no discrimination or prejudice should be allowed."


louis watched harry's speech from afar, careful not to be in view of others, hiding in the nearby alleyway with a hood over his head to act as a minimal disguise. harry was speaking loud and clear and confident with no stutter present. slow, clear pronunciation.

no one in the crowd was protesting against him yet or they didn't dare to speak up due to harry's powerful position.


"is something going on between you and a socialist?" simon had questioned him, an accusatory tone present. harry had told him such news over text last night and they had planned to meet up secretly to discuss the music deal and how to safely hide their friendship. they had to be cautious. simon could cause great harm to louis and his loved ones for coming even within a metre of harry.

"we have to be careful," harry had started off the phone call. "we are" louis answered, unsure of what this would result in. "how about we only meet up at a cafe in your area." he'd suggested, letting louis have the final decision - a true gentleman. "maybe the cafe i usually go to? it's usually sparse in there." with that harry agreed.


and so, like they said, they met up a few days later in said cafe. harry practically beamed at him as he sat down, legs automatically bouncing, his lips ready to spill the, what'd i'd assume was, exciting news. "spill it" louis demanded, desperately wanting him to say whatever it was, harry looked as if he would die if he didn't say it. "niall's father heard of my speech and is considering changing the segregation law...", "what? that easy?" louis practically screamed, was that even possible? "yep" he spoke, popping the 'p' for emphasis, "said the points i made had impacted him...especially when it came from a person of the same class."

conveniently, the waitress chose now to ask them what they wanted to order. a perfect occasion for a celebratory cake with some tea as it was quite nippy outside, it still being only spring. "two slices of cake please with two cups of tea - a yorkshire tea for me-" "-and a honey tea for me please!" harry interrupted, the waitress responding with a short "coming right up!" before wandering away. "tea with honey?" louis grinned at him in adoration and confusion, an odd choice, very adorable in a way though. "it's good i swear!" he giggled which resulted in louis' cheeks dusting a pale but noticeable shade of pink and a painful grin etched (or rather carved) into his face. his dimples making a rare experience. harry smiled knowingly at louis as if he is able to read to him, his blue (green in the sun) eyes peered intently at louis under his inconspicuous hoodie. it was his disguise - quite minimal - and it helped to maintain a low profile.

fortunately, the son of simon cowell never usually made an appearance in holographic newspapers. although, his speech had made some headlines but not enough to go or to be completely viral. it had died down about two days after the speech. the lower class civilians were beyond hysterical when they found out that a higher class person (none other than simon cowell's son) had fought in favour of lower class civilians, challenged social injustice and fought for equality - with no deception visible. it was unbelievable. louis had beamed at the reactions, thinking 'i helped in that' and god did it feel good to be a part of something which could one day feature in a big change. who knew being in a band would lead to him being quite good friends - if he said so himself as they had an instant connection, a level of understanding of each other - with cowell's son! talking about his band, they had a gig soon (on the 21st).

as if to knock him out of his trance purposefully, the waitress came back, two steaming cups of tea being skillfully placed down before the plates of cake were placed in front of them. they both thanked her and went to eat the cake but not before louis whispered a gleeful "for your brilliant speech!" at that, they dug in, harry's thankful smile making all of this - their situation - feel easy, minuscule almost, as if this couldn't have any consequences or extreme backlash. that rewarding smile made everything worth it. harry is such a great friend already, he's so carefree and easy to talk to. louis has genuinely enjoyed being in his presence almost constantly recently. it's pleasant having a new friend. new experiences and all...

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