Ch. 3 - Shopping

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Heaven's point of view:

"Hi mom, I was wondering if we could go shopping since school is starting very soon," I spoke slightly above a whisper. I wanted to stay on my mom's good side so she wouldn't be angry with me.

I had to walk on eggshells around her to avoid getting my ass beat. She stared at me for a bit and then rolled her eyes.

"Don't annoy me child. I'll get you stuff for school when I feel like it. Now get out my face." My mother said with an eye roll. I left the room with a sigh and returned back to my room.

I know not to keep pestering my mother if she already said no once. She always does things on her own accord.

I sat on my bed and unlocked my phone. I texted my best friend Ivory and asked her if she had any plans for today. A couple of minutes passed and then she responded.

She said that she wasn't doing much except talking to her boyfriend Jalani. I then asked if she wanted to hang out and she quickly agreed.

I sent her details about our meet up location and time while walking downstairs. Before even thinking of leaving the house I had to get interrogated by my own mother.

"Hey mom, I'm going to hang out with Ivory. Is that okay?" I said as I walked in front of my mom.

"Where exactly are you going and how long are you going to be out?" She questioned me.

Her arms were crossed over her chest while she rolled her eyes. It was evident that me talking to her for even the shortest amount of time made her bored.

"We're just going to the mall so we'll probably grab a bite to eat there too." I answered. She continued to stare into my soul probably thinking of more questions to ask me.

"Yeah okay whatever. Just don't do anything I wouldn't do. Remember even if no one is watching God is always watching." She mumbled.

Her response was strange. Usually she holds me forever and tells me I can't go out until I convince her further. She never lets me off the hook this easy.

In order to take advantage of this I grabbed my car keys and practically flew out the door. After a short drive I arrived at the Roosevelt Field mall.

I parked by the Macy's entrance so I would remember where I left my car.

"Hey girl hey. How's my bestie doing today?" Ivory said with a smile. She was dressed in ripped jeans that hugged her figure and cream colored crop-top.

"Im fine, how are you friend?" I responded with a smile. I was excited to spend some time with her before school starts since I know we'll be busy.

"You know the usual. Just mentally preparing myself for going back to that death trap called high school next week." She said with an eye roll.

We both broke into laughter knowing the struggle all too well. At least it's our senior year so we'll be done before we know it.

With arms linked we walked into the large department store and began window shopping. I decided to treat myself to a few things since my mom wasn't taking my education seriously.

We walked through the aisles and avoided chatty strangers. Once we arrived in the clothing section I began to look for some new attire.

Most of the clothes here aren't my style, but sometimes they have nice deals. I found a warm hoodie and some cute jeans.

Meanwhile Ivory was taking selfies in the full length mirror after putting tons of stuff in our shopping cart. We both knew she wouldn't end up buying most of them but continued shopping anyways.

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