I have been so dry on ideas, I need to start planning things out. 

Also I did include a scene of the group eating meat, if that bothers you in any way just skip a bit but it's only a small mention. I dont specify the animal (since it's a mutated species), but I dont want to risk upsetting some people. 🥰



T3 sat away from the group, watching how they interacted with one another. She hasn't spoken a word since they ran into the dense forest. She had been picking at the small creature's meat for a little bit now, not feeling comfortable enough to eat in front of everyone.

"Dude, you're burning the meat again! Don't turn it so slow, try turning it like this." T15 was attempting to help T26 cook the creatures that T14 caught and killed. They were laughing and joking around, as if they didn't think they were in immediate danger of being caught. They ended up a good few miles away from the organization, but they were also close enough to it to get caught easily.

T3 watched the smoke rise and disappear into nothing, the glow the fire emits is enough for everyone to see but not bright enough to get caught. Not like they could be seen anyway, T13 had built a mini structure of sorts out of the natural foliage and bushes that filled the forest. It was thick enough for them to be looked over, but thin enough for them to break away easily.

Carefully, and out of habit, T3 surveyed the area around her and looks over everyone's physique. Everyone was borderline malnourished. The organization kept them locked away and fed enough for the children to have a little less than the correct amount of nutrition they would need to grow correctly.

It kept them weak enough so that their powers did not, or could not be used to fight their simulations; and while T3 looked over everyone she noticed that she, T34 and T19 were the ones who looked sickly thin. She was worried more for herself than the others. She had to; how else was she going to survive if she didnt worry about herself?

She continued eating, and caught the eye of T14 who sat and watched her. He kept sneaking glances at the way she was eating, noting she was hesitant every time she took a bite. As if it was going to be ripped away from her.

He didn't feel bad, but he could see she had clearly been through a lot. There were rumors of a Test Subject being hidden away from the others, one that would never be allowed out with everyone else. Despite seeing her power at work, T14 was skeptical of T3's intentions. She had accepted being taken way to easily. He couldn't figure it out, so he scooted over to where she was sitting.

T3 was a bit baffled at the bold behavior of T14. Why did he shuffle closer to her spot? Did he expect her to say something to him? She was unsure of it, so she kept her mouth shut and continued to eat until she physically could not swallow another bite.

T13 stood up and with the help of T34, they buried the rest of the food under the earth. T13 faced the group and spoke with hushed and quick words.

"We have a few hours until morning, so we can go ahead and get some rest. I'm sure the twins will want to keep watch, but they will need to rest eventually as well. So who volunteers to keep watch for a couple hours?" She left the question open for answers and T19 and T34 raised their hands.

"Good, now I can go ahead and take the liberty of making everyone beds-", a snapping sound cut T13 off and everyone hushed instantly. T15 took the fire out quickly and everyone kept their breathing soft and did not dare to move a muscle.

Something was near, the fear and anxiety gripped everyone by their throats and goosebumps rose to their full height on everyone's skin. Another twig snap sounded a bit closer, causing T3 to raise an eyebrow. It was almost...like whoever it was, was doing it deliberately.

T14 turned to the group and whispered low and quick, "could potentially be a trap. Keep your guard up." Everyone stiffened, and with a mutual agreement, they all stayed perfectly still.

No one else muttered a word, no one dared take too deep of a breath. More snaps, sounding closer than before. They were definitely deliberate, the snaps were too evenly placed.

T3 felt something bubble in the pit of her stomach; a sickly feeling of dread. She looked beyond the group and noticed the figure approaching from behind. Without thinking she grabbed onto T15 and turn him to face it.

T15's face morphed into surprise and he shouted, "they're surrounding us! We need to get out of here!"

Chaos soon followed his shout. Different colored eyes could be seen surrounding them. The group hurdled around T3, not risking her being taken. T13 took down the shelter, exposing them to their threat.

There was an army of no less than 30 people surrounded them. None of them advanced until one moved forward. She was tall, with dark skin and a head of tight curls. Her protective gear made her look like the leader of the group.

So did the massive energy ball between her hands. Her eyes glowed a ferocious purple, a scowl on her face. T3 couldn't help but find her beautiful, she did everything she could to make it look like she wasn't staring at the woman.

"What is a rag tag group of runaways doing in my woods? I don't remember opening the border for you lot", she voiced angrily, her question demanded an answer. Her accent seemed weird to T3, she almost sounded like T19.

T14 scowled at the woman, an expression that made her raise her eyebrows. He was threatening her position of authority. "I dont remember these woods being claimed? So close to an organization that kills us Colored Eyes as well", T14 verbalized with a hint of attitude.

The woman's expression dropped to an emotionless one. Slowly she began making her way to the group, her army raising their big weapons at the teens to keep them from running off.

The woman noticed they were huddled around someone. Once she got to the group, dark blue eyes met her magenta eyes. Shock took over her expression as she pushed them aside so she was in front of T3.

"You. I know of you. Your eye color is supposed to be a myth", the woman uttered to T3, only confusing the girl further.

"We are just trying to get away from the organization. We will get out of your woods as soon as possible. Just dont hurt us, please", T3 begged. She hated to make herself look weak but it was the only way the woman was going to let them go.

The woman smiled at T3, not cruelly like the smiles she was used to, nor was it one of the forced ones that the nurses gave. This woman looked almost...relieved.

"You're the eye color I was praying for. Come, you and your group will come back with us. We have a cantonment just over those hills. We will feed you, bathe you, and clothe you-, "the woman was interrupted by a man. His eyes were green but a much deeper green than T13's.

"Zennith, are you seriously thinking about offering our provisions to a group of runaways?" This causes 'Zennith' to whirl away and face the man. "Abe, she is the one we've waited for. Look at her eyes!" Grabbing T3 by the shoulders Zennith pulled her in front and caused her to look into Abe's eyes.

Slowly Abe's features softened and then nodded in understanding. Zennith released her hold on T3 and addressed the group, "I apologize for being harsh to you all. We can rest for the night, and head to the encampment tomorrow. My guards will make sure no one disturbs you, or hurts you. You will be safe there."

The group of teens looked at each other hesitantly, unsure of the danger. T34 spoke up and asked, "How can we trust you?"

Zennith smiled, turning around and moving her sleeve up. On the back of her arm was a burn scar. One the group was familiar with.

"You're Test Subject #2! The one who lead the original rebellion against Harold Gregory", T13 announced in amazement. They were standing in front of a living legend.

Zennith laughed slyly, and pulled her sleeve back down. "I had a feeling that was where you all came from. Now, let's have you all rest, you will need your energy", she proclaimed while walking away from the group. She addressed her army in an authoritative way. Once she finished speaking everyone broke into groups, Abe walked towards her and spoke in hushed voices.

Looking towards T3 and catching her stare, he quickly looked away. T3 did not trust him. Not one bit.

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