Hello! This is the first official chapter of The Girl with the Blue Eyes! I'm so super excited to write for this book, I can't wait to give you guys this story! I love you all!


Sitting in the dark room, Test Subject #3, otherwise known as T3, felt alone. She looked at the speaker in the corner silenting begging that those disgusting people were done torturing her for the day.

Sadly, this was not the case as she heard the intercom noise enter her room and the cringing, high pitched noise that came through the speaker was loud enough to make her ears bleed. She covered her poor ears the best to her ability but that wasn't enough to stop them from bleeding.

After ten more torturous minutes of the noise, they finally turned it off. T3 hiccuped, trying to get herself to stop crying.

She had exactly five minutes until the nurses came in to treat her ears, and if she was found crying they'd punish her. She quickly dried her tears and just like T3 expected, the nurse came in with her medicine kit to treat her ears. She swabbed the blood and stored the cotton swab in a tube for later testing to see if her DNA went back to what was considered "normal".

When the nurse put a cotton ball in her ears, she smiled a fake smile. "You are truly improving dear. Your ears didn't bleed as much this time! And your eyes are becoming a dull blue color! That's good, it means the treatment is working, and in no time you will be returned back to your family." Standing up, the nurse dropped her smile and walked out her door.

The male security guard came to the room and harshly picked her up off the ground but her arm, "god damnit! Why do you always have to be lazy! Do you know how fat you are?!" He threw T3 to the ground and her face made contact with the concrete floor. Her nose was broken.


T3 picked herself up and hobbled out of the torture room, and back to her cell.

T3 wasn't a normal child. Most of the children's population was wiped out by the adults who feared them. Parents killed their own children because of their powers. T3 was one of the children that was sold to the company trying to stop the children with powers.

There was a organization that specialized in putting things back to normal. They ruled the world and any country left with a government were their allies. They helped them torture kids back into what was considered, "normality."

T3 was shoved into her "cell" and she curled up on the bed and waited for the dinner bell. Her cell wasn't really a cell, it's just what she has grown to call it. It was a smallish room with a bed and a desk for her school work. She had a bookshelf full of books, which is a luxury she has grown to appreciate.

The other kids who were in the organization weren't allowed to have anything but a mattress, desk for school work, and academic books. The staff gave her books they thought wouldn't strengthen her mind, but they were wrong. She studied those books until she passed out from exhaustion, and then she pushed herself to study them more.

T3 was looking through the books she was given, all of which were much older. Some had gold pages, and others were hard covered books.

After reading for what felt like hours, she heard the dull ring of the dinner bell and quickly put her books back in the order that she found them in. While the children are at dinner, nurses go through the rooms to make sure there is nothing harmful in the children's room.

T3 wasn't allowed to interact with the other children, she was told that she would harm them.

She was told she was dangerous.

She didn't feel dangerous, she felt normal. At least what she knew as normal.

The door was pulled open and her guards were standing there, smirking, while holding the chains that go around her wrists, waist, and ankles.

She sighs and stands and holds her wrists towards them and for the first time that day she spoke, "Let's get this over with."

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