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Before I start, I just want to say that I am EXTREMELY excited to start this book! I want this book to be different than others, but you might recognize some concepts from books/movies like The Darkest Minds, just because the concept is so interesting to me. I would like to clear that I am NOT stealing the plotline or anything from The Darkest Minds, but I like the idea so I wanted to do my own story to the concept.

Now on with the prologue

It was the year 2134, and humanity was in anarchy.

Children were being hunted because of their eye color, and the powers that they possessed. Ever since the war broke out and babies were being experimented on, it caused a mutation in the eyes. Babies were now only being born with black, or brown eyes.

The most common abnormal color was green, the doctors and scientists classified green as a low risk priority. Green eyes are connected with nature, so naturally babies born with green eyes can control any plant life.

Babies born with red eyes are considered a medium to high risk priority. Red eyes are a symbol of fire power, so babies born with red eyes will grow to discover they have fire as their power.

Babies born with pale blue, yellow, or pink eyes are a high risk priority. While babies with these eye colors are destructive, they are not the most dangerous. Babies born with these colored eyes have different mind powers; pale blue being able to move things without lifting a finger. Yellow eyes means that child will be able to pick up different types of precious metals and are able to manipulate metals. Babies born with pink eyes have the ability to call water to them wherever they are.

Now some other colors are rare. These are any colors such as purple, dark blue, orange, and white. There is only one reported case of these colors and her powers are unique. The baby born with this eye color hadn't developed her powers yet, but she shows signs of having the power to control lightning.

All these eye colors are dangerous to society and a "scientific" organization wanted to take the children with colored eyes out of society and do experiments to see how to change them back to what was considered normal. So far their experiments have failed in normalizing the "infected" children, but they have discovered a way to make an antidote to at least make the children's powers become doormat.

But when the lead scientists of the project has been discovered electrocuted to death there is only 1 child who could commit such a crime.

Or is there?

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