Hey everyone!! I finally had time out of my busy schedule to write a chapter!

I am having such a fun time creating this story! Im taking my time and planning out all of my chapters and the storyline for the whole thing!

Enough about me, let's continue on with the story!

By the way, there is some cursing in this chapter! Be warned!

After T3 was restrained properly she was lead to her secluded room that she ate food in.

She wasn't allowed around the other kids in the facility. She was "too dangerous."

T3 didn't feel dangerous, she hadn't ever used her power besides when she first demonstrated it. That was maybe 13 years ago, when T3 was 4-years-old.

Ever since that day, she was secluded from all of the other kids that were here.

T3 was trailing behind the security guard when she looked over and saw the cafeteria with all the other kids in it. It was the first time she ever really been in the more "public" area of the facility.

Now she was confused, this isn't the way to her room. "Um, where are we going?" She was stopped before they entered the big cafeteria and they started unlocking her restraints.

She was confused until she looked up and saw the head of the organization. A tall man with pure noir colored eyes.

His name was Harold Gregory. He created this organization after his only daughter was born with colored eyes and killed his wife, supposedly. He then became like a modern Hitler, torturing kids until they submitted to their experimentation. They paid with their lives.

Harold smirked at her confusion, finding it funny. He approached her with his own team of doctors standing behind him, all worried about if T3 could handle being in the same room with the other kids.

"Ah, the lovely face of Test Subject #3. How are you doing today love? Feeling a little confused I bet." Harold laughed at the look of annoyance he received from her.

He motioned to the guards and they started to take the restraints off of her slowly so that she would see their every move.

When they were off she rubbed her wrists, wincing from the pain that went up her arms. Those restraints weighed a ton.

"The children have been warned about your power and to leave you alone for now", he spoke softly as if he cared that this information would hurt her.

He leaned down next to her ear and whispered his next words, "be warned. If you even as much as acknowledge one of these kids, I'll make your life the closest to actual hell. I promise you that, and you know I always keep my promises." He laughed at what seemed to be a joked and gestured towards the door.

When T3 didn't move, a guard pushed her through the door. When she turns back the door was closed and Harold was smirking at her.

T3 turned back around and walked quickly towards the line of kids that faced a hole in the wall. It took a good 20 minutes before T3 got to the hole and a tray was placed on the little ledge, she took it and walked back to a table she was eyeing, towards the back. She sat near the end of the table, away from the commotion.

She was picking at her food, never really that hungry. She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings until a body sat in front of her. She quickly looked up and saw a smiling girl looking back at her.

Blonde hair and green eyes that were filled with hope were looking into her dull dark blue orbs.

"Hi! I'm Test Subject #13, but my group calls me T13! You must be new here; I say that because I've never seen your eye color before." The bubbly girl smiled at T3 in an inviting way, almost wishing T3 would talk with her.

The Girl With The Blue EyesWhere stories live. Discover now