Gloomy Skies

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Y/N sits onto her bed. That was definitely Chan earlier, on the sidewalk. She never thought she would see him again in Korea, especially on a sidewalk. Y/N shuffles around with her laptop and places it in front of her on the bed.

Y/N had done her daily coffee run, now it was time to do her classes for college.

Write a piece of artwork that reminds you of someone you love. Tell their story throughout the short writing.

The page said as Y/N read through her assignment. Since she was little, Y/N loved writing stories and sharing them. She remembered sitting in the Australia fields, sharing her newest writings with Chan, when they were little. Chan would always turn Y/N's writing, into a song piece. The two worked together to create a few small songs.

Chan was now a leader for the popular Korean group called Stray Kids. He helped write many of their songs. Y/N didn't stay up to date with their music, she only kept up to date with Chan. He had promised to her as a kid that he would do well, be a popular idol.

Y/N's presses her head into her palms. Someone she loved, that was all she needed. There weren't too many people in her life now. She only had two friends in Korea, Jeongin and Jiho. Y/N had met both of them shortly after her big move to Korea. Jiho helped Y/N around Seoul and gave her pointers on where to go. Jeongin was going to the same classes for a year with Y/N. The two took time to study together for their main classes, they later became small friends. The two were both younger by a couple years but they had gotten along well.

"Someone I love," Y/N whispers to herself. Words danced around in Y/N's mind. She didn't feel a genuine love for Jiho or Jeongin. They were only people who helped her around Korea and classes for a while.

The laptop closes with a quiet click. "I need inspiration," Y/N mumbles to herself.

Maybe, Y/N's professor wouldn't notice if she wrote about an imaginary person, written with a love you would find in public. Today was a rainy day, you'd find many couples running in the rain together. Love found mostly in the movies.

The large umbrella pops up with the click of the button. Rain drops dripped off the sides of the shelter. Y/N scoffs at the weather, Seoul forecast said it'd be sunny today.

"It's always gloomy," Y/N grumbles as she makes her way down the long sidewalk.

Y/N's complex wasn't too far from one of the popular tourist areas in Seoul. She walked this sidewalk every day, it always took her three minutes to walk there.

"Y/N!" A voice calls from behind Y/N.

The umbrella shakes at the sudden turn. "Oh," Y/N examines the face in front of her, "Jeongin."

Jeongin smiles as Y/N places the umbrella over the both of them. "Sorry I haven't kept in touch lately, how have you been?" He asks.

"I've been alright, where are you coming from?" Y/N asks as she looks behind Jeongin.

Jeongin throws a thumb motioning behind him, "I had lunch with some friends... where are you going?"

Y/N shuffles her feet. "I'm supposed to write a story about someone I love, but I don't have someone I genuinely love," she explains her new writing assignment.

"Are you going in town?" Jeongin asks another question.

"I am, if you're free, you can come with me," Y/N let's off a slight smile.

Y/N didn't want Jeongin to see her writing. It was embarrassing that she didn't have someone to write about, let alone bringing a friend with her.

"Of course, I love your writing so it'd be a pleasure!" Jeongin exclaims with bright eyes.

Y/N nods her head in the direction she was walking in, "let's get going, then."

The pair walked together, exchanging parts of their lives. Jeongin had many friends compared to Y/N, he was always swarmed with plans.

Cars passed more frequently as Y/N and Jeongin entered town. The gloomy air was brightened with street lights and lights from shops. "Town looks beautiful today," Jeongin says as he points at a small cafe, "why don't we sit in there to stay warm, it'll be on me."

"I can't do that, I invited you with me, I'll pay," Y/N protests the idea.

Jeongin smiles, "let's go."

Y/N folds the umbrella as she steps up to the cafe stairs. "I'm not getting bad luck today," Y/N giggles as the shakes remaining droplets off of the umbrella.

"I'll take it," Jeongin reaches a hand out to take the umbrella.

"Thank you," Y/N smiles and lets Jeongin take the handle.

The two find themselves an empty table and seat themselves. "It's been a while since we hung out," Jeongin says as he examines the small menu.

"Yeah," Y/N chuckles and glances over her menu. Jeongin still looked his best, his smile barely faded.

"I think you should try this," Jeongin points at her menu, "I come here sometimes with one of my friends and we get it every time."

Y/N flips over her menu and looks around for where Jeongin pointed. "This one?" Y/N asks as her finger tapped the dish.

Jeongin nods his head slightly, "yes, it's really good."

"Alright, I'm trusting you," Y/N jokes.

"Excuse me," Jeongin says and waves a waitress over, "could we order two of these?"

The waitress nods her head and writes down the order, "anything to drink?"

Y/N looks over to Jeongin. "Whatever you want," she suggests.

Jeongin smiles, Y/N had always been stubborn when it came to making decisions. She always went along with his ideas. Jeongin orders two of the same drinks as well as a side dish for their wait.

"Anyone special now? It's been a while," Y/N asks as she takes off her jacket.

"You could say I'm not allowed to date with my work," Jeongin mumbles.

Y/N tilts her head. It was rare for someone to not be allowed a dating life, especially with regular jobs. "What's your job?" Y/N asks another question.

Jeongin clears his throat, "is that a good couple?"

A finger pointed to a couple under an umbrella. The rain drizzled over the sides as the couple walked with their hands together. Their smiles brightened the view under the umbrella. The couple bumps each other around as they walked, an awkward walk.

Y/N closely examined the relationship between the couple. "I wish I had something like that," Y/N mutters to herself as her eyes followed the couple disappearing in the distance.

"What was that?" Jeongin asks. His eyes were now set on the girl seated across from him.

"Oh, nothing," Y/N smiles, "I'll keep my eye out for more."

Jeongin smiles back. His braces were gone now, Y/N noticed the small difference from before. His smile was perfect. "I'll help too," he says.

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