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"I have to take this, I'll be right back, " Jeongin says as his phone vibrates the table.

Y/N nods and looks down at her phone. Jeongin stand up with a push of his chair. "Hello?" he says, walking out of the shop. 

Moments pass before Jeongin paces back to the table with Y/N. "Is everything okay?" Y/N asks as he seats himself in front of her.

"Yeah, I'll have to go not too long after we finish eating though," Jeongin explains with a sigh, "I missed hanging out with you, but I'm really busy this week."

Y/N lets off a friendly smile as she places her phone back into her pocket. "You've never told me what your work is," Y/N nags.

Jeongin places his phone in his pocket as well, "I'd rather wait a little to explain it, theres a lot going on right now."

"Of course, I don't mind!" Y/N puts her hand up.

Y/N felt bummed, she had always wondered what kept Jeongin on his toes all week. Especially at their age. He always had enough money to buy expensive things when they hung out, which was rare. Y/N looks out of the shop window again with a small pout.

"Do you really want to know that bad?" Jeongin chuckles. He always noticed Y/N's different expressions.

"Yes!' Y/N loudly exclaims with a reformed smile.

Jeongin smiles back at Y/N, he knew she always found a way to get her way. He was easily absorbed by her tricks. "I'm a top secret agent," Jeongin places a finger over his lips and winks.

"Oh, come on! What do you do?" Y/N groans while throwing her head back.

"Okay, okay," Jeongin chuckles again, "I work for JYP as an idol."

Y/N places a hand on her mouth, "really?"

Jeongin slightly nods his head and brings his phone out. "Here, look at these," he places his phone in front of Y/N. 

"That's so cool," Y/N exaggerates as she watches the videos on Jeongin's phone, "I'm so proud of you!"

A slight blush rises in Jeongin's cheeks. It was rare for him to get compliments from someone who wasn't a fan. The compliment itself, coming from Y/N, mean't enough as it was. "Thank you," he mumbles, "that's why I'm always busy."

"I understand it now," Y/N nudges the phone back to its owner. 

A familiar face appeared on the screen before Y/N looked away from the phone. Chan's face had been in the corner. "Are you part of Stray Kids?" Y/N asks. 

"I am," Jeongin replies, "why?"

Y/N shuffles around in her seat. "It looks familiar to me now," Y/N explains. 

Jeongin places the phone screen down on the table and looks around. "Our food is here," he changes the subject.

The waitress glances over to their table and continues walking to them. "Here you go, let me know if you need anything else," the waitress says while placing the dishes on the table.

"Thank you!" Jeongin thanks before the waitress leaves again.

Jeongin grabs his chopsticks and starts to eat already. "It should be hot, Jeongin," Y/N exaggerates. 

"It's too good," Jeongin mutters between short breaths.

"So what's on your schedule today?  Maybe I can tag along, like you did with me," Y/N suggests.

Y/N picks up her chopsticks and examines the boy in front of her. Idol, my ass. The remark slips in her mind. A small smile tugs on the corner of her lips as she realizes what she just thought of. "That sounds great!" Jeongin looks up from his dish, "What's that smirk for?"

"Ah, nothing, just a funny thought," Y/N pushes the thought to the side. 

Jeongin's phone buzzes again. "I'm sorry, I know we're trying to spend time together," Jeongin sighs as he mutes his phone.

"You're really popular now, it's nothing to worry about," Y/N reassures as she takes a bite of her food as well.


"Are you sure you want to go?" Jeongin asks as he holds the umbrella above the beautiful girl in front of him.

The rain had calmed down since Y/N met Jeongin earlier. Jeongin's hair was damp from the drops of rain hitting him as he gave Y/N more shelter from the rain. He was always a gentleman, no matter the circumstance. 

"Of course!" Y/N shrieks. It would be amazing to see part of an idol's inside life. 

Jeongin walks with Y/N as the rain dribbles onto his hair. He had already asked if it would be alright to bring a friend with him to their upcoming practice today. Everyone would be all over Y/N, it wasn't often for one of the members to bring a friend along. "It's a busy day today," Jeongin explains, "try not to get lost there."

The building in front of them towered over other small buildings alongside it. "Is this it?" Y/N asks.

"Yeah, come on," Jeongin tugs at Y/N's hand. 

The first room they entered was a practice room. The walls lined up with many mirrors. "It's a girl," a voice teases from inside the group of people.

"Shut up, Jisung!" a voice retorts back, followed with a smack.

"This is my friend, Y/N," Jeongin releases Y/N's hand from his and continues to walk further into the room. "Where's Chan?"

Y/N's eyes dart to the group. Chan? Her eyes examine every visible face in the room. 

"He's in the studio, he'll be out soon," a hand points towards a door on the far end of the room.

Minutes pass as the group introduce themselves to Jeongin's newly introduced friend. The door from the far end of the room clicks as it begins to open. "There he is," Felix announces as a familiar figure enters the practice room.

"Oh," Chan mumbles as he stares at the girl in the circle of boys.

"Hello," Y/N mumbles and faces the opposite way of the figure standing across from her.

Chan clears his throat. A clap echoes through the room as Chan begins instructions. "Everyone move, time to stretch," Chan says as he walks towards the circle.

The boys make themselves busy. Everyone scoots further from the circle to stretch. "What will she do?" Minho asks from his spot in the room.

"Y/N, do you want to practice with us?" Jeongin asks. His foot hits Y/N's leg, he had poked her with his foot to get her attention.

"Yeah, why don't you?" Hyunjin exclaims as his eyes glow. 

Y/N shuffles around before scooting to her own spot away from Jeongin. "Sure," Y/N glares at the figure to her other side.

Chan quietly sighs and looks away. He knew exactly what Y/N was holding onto, mentally. Would she ever get over their childhood? Chan questions to himself as he stretches out his legs.


I'm hoping to finish this quickly since I've been finding some more ideas to add to the story. I hope everyone is liking it so far <3

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