Practice rooms

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Y/N practiced the dance moves alongside of Jeongin. Occasionally she would sneak a glance towards Chan, practicing on the other end. The two had made eye contact once but haven't for the past few hours.

"Okay, water break!" Chan announces as he claps his hands.

Jeongin walks with Y/N and shares his water. "Today is a tough day, it's not always this busy," he explains.

Y/N drinks from Jeongin's water bottle as he speaks. "It's okay," Y/N assures, "I kind of like it."

"Really?" Jeongin asks as Y/N returns his water bottle.

"I think I like dancing," Y/N explains.

Jeongin places a hand on Y/N's shoulder. His smile reassured Y/N, "I think you'd be great at it!"

Chan watched as Jeongin talked with Y/N. Jeongin's hand placed itself on her shoulder while he gave a bright smile. Chan couldn't hear the conversation. "Two more minutes!" Chan announces, his eyes still on the pair.

Y/N sighs, "I just don't like how short the breaks are."

"I don't think anyone does," Jeongin chuckles and caps his water bottle.

"So how do you deal with the short breaks and long practices?" Y/N asks. She had considered being an idol herself but had never felt secure with her abilities.

Jeongin exaggerates a thinking expression before replying. "Lots of coffee," he smiles with his pointer finger out."Being an idol isn't easy, Y/N. We don't get much time to rest, usually our weeks are filled with practice or stages."

"I understand now," Y/N says.

Chan walks up to each member individually, complimenting them on their fantastic work so far. Even though it had been years since Y/N had seen Chan, he was still a sweetheart to others. He always complimented great work and achievements.

Jeongin focused on Y/N's eyes. He paid close attention to where her eyes were. Y/N continued to watch Chan with every free moment. "Did you know him before today?" He was sure he already asked that question before.

"Him?" Y/N motions to Chan who was having a chat with Felix, "no, I only knew you before today."

It was a simple lie. Anyone who didn't know Y/N's past would believe it, especially since Chan is an idol. Many people refuse to believe when someone knows an idol personally. Maybe Y/N would make an effort to rebuild their broken friendship, for now it would remain broken.

Chan had began walking towards Y/N and Jeongin. "You guys did great today, and..." Chan acted like he hadn't known Y/N's name.

"Y/N," she answers.

"Y/N, you're a natural at this. Have you considered being in your own group before?" Chan asks.

"Not really, no," Y/N begins to rub her neck.

Y/N grew up wanting to become an idol. When Chan left her to become one himself, the desire faded away. It was what had stolen her only friend away from her, ripped out of her hands. She still practiced choreography from trending groups when she had the time. To become an idol was completely different from practicing other's choreography.

Chan points, "I'd recommend it if that's alright with you, you could even be a choreographer."

"Considered," Y/N nods her head slightly.

"Great," Chan says before turning around, "break time is over!"

Y/N let's put a sigh before following Jeongin back to her placement. Choreography was always simple for her to learn. "You should do try-outs sometime, there's a lot of groups looking for members," Jeongin whispers before scurrying to his placement.


The practice had gone smoothly as everyone expected. Y/N sat down on the wooden floor and stared into her phone. She still hadn't come up with an idea for her new writing assignment. A small sigh escapes her lips as she thinks of a storyline.

"Are you busy?" Jeongin asks.

Jeongin stepped in front of Y/N. He looked down at the girl staring at her phone. She's frustrated, Jeongin tells himself.

"Not really, I'm thinking of how I'm going to write this," Y/N explains about the assignment.

"Well," Jeongin seats himself beside Y/N. His face peeks in front of her screen. "Why don't you write about me?"

Y/N looks up from her phone. "What?"

"Even if you don't look at me like that, come up with something. I know you're good at that," Jeongin smiles.

"Jeongin," Y/N stammers, "but."

Jeongin knew Y/N didn't like him. He never noticed how he felt about her until earlier today. It'd be a gift for her to write about him, even with a lie.

"It's alright, it's only a suggestion. Do you want to get food with us?" Jeongin switches the subject.

Y/N was more focused on her writing assignment that she hadn't realized she was hungry. Now that the subject was bright up, food sounded really good. "Why not?" Y/N accepts.

"She's coming with us!" Jeongin announces to the group that had been talking about food as well.

The group silently stares at the pair before cheering for their new addition. Chan stood silently with a sour expression. What's his issue, Y/N thinks to herself before pushing him out of her mind.

"Jeongin is paying since it's his friend!" Han blurts with a smile.

A small laugh arises from everyone except Chan. Felix had noticed the upset expression radiating from Chan. "Everything okay?" Felix asks.

"Yeah," Chan mumbles.

"You haven't been yourself since she got her," Felix tilts his head to the girl talking with Jeongin.

The two would look like a perfect match to complete strangers. Smiling and laughing like they'd never get enough of each other's attention.

"Just a childhood friend," Chan admits. Everyone's secrets were always safe with Felix.

A small smile tugs at Felix's cheeks. "Why don't you guys talk?" He suggests.

Chan sighs and shrugs his shoulders. Years had passed since he had a genuine talk with Y/N. "It's a long story, but she looks happy right now so I won't interfere."

"What do you mean?" Felix asks.

"I used to like Y/N before I came to Korea," Chan begins to explain his story. "After I came to Korea, I wasn't able to talk to Y/N so when I went back to visit her, she wasn't able to tell me she moved. Today she acted like she never met me even though she won't stop glaring at me."

"I'm sure she doesn't mean to be rude, maybe if you two talk about it you can clear things up," Felix suggests.

Felix never heard about Chan liking someone. Chan never explained much about his childhood either, he always changed the topic or skipped over parts. He had made it obvious to Felix that there was something between him and Y/N.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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