Chapter 4: A look into the past

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I could feel my body aching. My legs felt stiff and my arms were crampy. 

I hadn't danced in a while

Picking up my basket full of lively fresh vegetables I looked the Merchant named Seth dead in the eye. 

"3" I said. 

"11" He said right back.

"Wha!?" I dropped my basket on the floor and threw my hands flat on the oak table.

Seth sighed heavily. He was a built man with brownish long hair that nearly covered his eyes. If it weren't for his lovely produce nearly no one would come to his stand in fear of the way he looked. He also had a long scar on his left arm from a war fought ages ago in the kingdom. He had sacrificed a lot all to end up in a market. I felt for this man. It wasn't fair but it seemed to me he was happy enough so I thought nothing of it. 

With yet another sigh Seth crossed his arms and said " Listen, missy, times just ain't the same nowadays. Produce is scarce. There's an ominous feel in the air due to the raven king. The royal family is doing their best to keep the kingdom calm but all the outer farms of the kingdom containing our year's worth of fresh crops, are rapidly dying. So... prices are up."

Seth was right and I knew it but I refused to pay 11 silver coins for 3 potatoes, bread, 1 bundle of kale, and a few helpings of carrot. It was only enough for a small stew. I tucked a strand of white hair behind my ear and there was an awkward silence between the two of us. 

"Aww jeezzz" Seth scratched his head and said "6" 

My red eyes lit up and I smiled a big smile before placing 7 silver coins on the table. "Keep the tip" 

Seth rolled his eyes and said, "I'm only doing this because I know how hard it is for you to take care of you're sister. Not only that but you should take a break and focus on yourself you know? maybe find a guy? You're not half bad looking Charra."

My smile slowly faded for a moment before I returned back to my look. "Oh yeah..."

"Don't worry Charra I haven't told anyone you're still residing in the forest."

A few months ago when the first word got out of the raven king coming for our homes the royal family and Prince himself had it declared anyone and everyone residing in the green woods must depart and live in the village. I however couldn't do that. The woods is my home. I was born there, raised there, and I would die there. Even if lying would get me to stay. 

"Thank you Seth" That Is all I said as I turned away and pulled my black cloak hood above my head walking back to the woods.

The truth of the matter was...I didn't have an ill sister living in the wood with me. But I knew if I lived away from the woods I'd slowly dissolve away. My magic would disperse and I'd be far too saddened to be torn away from my lake."

I looked up and saw I had entered the thick part of the woods. Here it was dark even in day. If you screamed there was no echo and if you cried you'd surely be alone in this area. 

"That's right. I could never in a million years leave my lake not for anything nor anybody. I don't have much but this is my home." 

After a 15 minute minute walk forward I finally reached a foggy wall and smiled. 


With that, the fog immedietly dispersed to reveal a gorgeous lake shining with glorius light and if you looked down in you could see nothing but endlessness.  A scary beauty it was. 

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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