Chapter 2: The ring

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" Class, this is Miss Rose. It's her first day here and she will be placed in the experienced dance class." Professor Cat addressed everyone about who I was and when I went to go do warm up's with everyone else, I was immediately attacked at all sides by questions. 

Professor Cat had explained to me that the beginners class, experienced class, and pro classes are all put together in the same rooms. Even so, each separate class does practice separately. The only thing they do together is warm-ups.

Omg save me, please 

All the girls in the room were asking plenty of questions. 

" How great of a dancer are you???"

" You must be pretty good if you're in the Experienced class!"

" Wow! Your so pretty!"

" What's your favorite dance move!?"

" What shampoo do you use!?"

I don't even know what shampoo I use 😅

I was nervously doing my best to answer all the questions when I felt my hand being dragged away from the crowd of girls.

" Ah?" You turn to see your hero and you see a girl with blonde fluffy hair in two ponytails, green eyes, and a happy grin. 

" Haiii!!! My name's lilie!!! Oh and this is Pike!!!" Next to Lilie was a girl named Pike with Pink hair in a bun, and purple eyes. She was smiling at you as she then grabbed a third girl's hand and shoved her forward saying, " This is Duck!" Duck had a long sorta braid of orange hair going down her back and blue big eyes.

" H..hi! My names Ahiru! People call me Duck! I'm sorry about my friends..." Duck said sheepishly as Lilie jumped on her giggling. At the same time, Pike patted Ducks back saying, " Don't be silly, we didn't do anything wrong."

You witnessed the three girls' friendship for a second before falling into a fit of laughter. " You guys are funny, I can tell you're good friends." This made the three girls smile brightly at you. Then Duck lent forward to you, grabbing your hands. 

" I hope we can be friends Rose!" 

" Yes! Me too!"

Pike smiled and agreed but said, " Yeah but you have to promise to not be in love with Fakir! He's mine!" Pike pointed to a boy in the crowd from afar.

You turned your head towards the direction she pointed and noticed a tall boy with black hair and green eyes. " Hmm....wait... HUH!? YOU LIKE THAT GUYYYYY???!!" Your jaw dropped and Pike quickly shut your mouth. " SHHHH, don't yell!!!"

" S...sorry" You apologized and looked back to Fakir. Yeah, he was handsome and all... but you had zero interest in a guy with zero manners. When you turned around, you noticed that all 3 girls were gone. 

" Huh? Where did they go?" You turned your head one last time towards Fakir and watched him do warm-ups. " Wait. Why am I even watching Fakir do warm-ups?" You shivered at the thought of being a total creep. 

" Hm? Aw crap! Fakir saw me staring at him!" You looked from left to right and right to left nervously acting as though you totally hadn't been staring at him. When you checked to see if he was still coming over you saw that he was. Not to mention his eyes looked dead serious too.

Eeeeek! Mommy, I'm scared! What do I do???

Luckily, on Fakir's way here, he was stopped by Professor Cat who had to have a word with him. From a distance, you saw Fakir nod at Professor Cat and look at you one more time over his shoulder before following the Professor away.

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