Chapter 1: Encounters

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" Mmm...." You uplifted yourself from your position in bed and looked out the window. It was still a little dark outside and seemed to be around 6 am in the morning. " It's earlyyy...." You mumbled under your breath as you rolled out of bed and onto the scratchy red carpet. 

"Todays... my at...this....sch..." You couldn't finish your sentence for you had already begun snoring again. " Ah! No! Don't fall asleep rose!" You slowly got up and wobbled sleepily over to your wardrobe to fetch your school uniform and stuff it in a bag. It was a cute uniform that was grayish of color and had a blue outline.

You wanted to do a little bit of early morning practice before school started, which was in an hour and 20 min

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You wanted to do a little bit of early morning practice before school started, which was in an hour and 20 min.  You put on a light red leotard, white tights, and dark red slippers. You had bought them just the other day and couldn't wait to dance in them. 

" Hehe, I look pretty good!" You looked at the mirror you faced and did an approving grin at yourself. You weren't an especially pretty girl, but that didn't mean you didn't have looks. You had shoulder-length white hair  that you normally wore in a simple braid, and pretty red crimson eyes.  You were a little short however and didn't approve of the thought that some other students would tower above you. 

You put your white hair into a cute messy bun, grabbed your bag, and slipped out the door, careful not to make any noise in the long echoing hall. 




Getting to one of the dance rooms didn't take too long since Mr. cat had given you a personal tour the other day around the school grounds. You liked the school grounds very much and enjoyed the architecture of the school. It seemed quite mysterious, beautiful, and cozy all at the same time. You smiled happily to yourself as you thought, " I hope I make some good friends here." At that, you reached for the gold doorknob to the dance room and turned it for entrance.

"Wow, It's such a big room. Then again, this whole school is huge." You talked to yourself as you set your bag down and looked around the large room.

It didn't take too long to notice the boy standing in the middle of the room who seemed to have been aware of you since the second you walked in. 

Ah, crap

 You worried you may have walked in on something private he was doing.

" H..hello" you awkwardly smiled, scratching the back of your head as you walked towards the boy. The boy just stood there as you reached about arm's length away from him. "Um....", You were unsure about what to say as you looked at the boy's features from up and down. He had silvery-white hair and large amber eyes that were just lovely. At the moment he was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt, black pants, white stockings, and white ballet slippers. He must have been here for early morning practice too.

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