Louis imagine: He's scared of injections

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Please feel free to send in requests as I need some inspiration of what else to write 😄

If there was one thing that Louis hated more than anything, it was needles. They were cold, sharp and caused him a lot of pain.

The needle in a tattoo gun was different, much different. Plus, he voluntarily went to get tattoos so he wasn't forced to get a needle then.

So when a vaccine for the coronavirus was announced, Louis was somewhat pleased, but also a little nervous for when it was his turn to get it.

The only saving grace was that it would be a long time before he was offered it, obviously the elderly and most vulnerable came first and Louis was absolutely fine with that.

His grandparents were the first in his family to get it, none of which had any adverse side effects which was good.

There wasn't a doubt in Louis' mind that he wouldn't get the vaccine, he wanted to protect his grandparents and everyone else around him, it was just the fear of the needle that was stopping him. It was also a requirement if he wanted to go on tour again.

He had Googled if there was any other possible way of getting the actual medication in his system, without the needle. He would take any pill on offer if it meant he didn't need to get a needle. Much to his disappointment, there wasn't.

He blocked out for the next few moments the vaccine, he seen it being mentioned on the TV every now and again but he had managed to forget about pretty much.

That was until he received a letter, informing him that he was invited to get his. 'Shit' he thought. He leaned his head back on his couch and let out a deep breath.

His appointment was in 2 weeks time at 3:10pm, he really didn't want to do this. He knew the importance of going, so he decided to have a look to see how to overcome the fear of injections.

His Google search told him that distraction worked best and to practice deep breathing. Yeah, like deep breathing was going to help him through it.

He gave up searching for answers and made himself a cuppa instead.

'2 weeks' Louis thought, 2 weeks he had to forget about it.

2 weeks later:

The day of his appointment came and Louis was not happy. He woke up in a bad mood and contemplated not going. He knew how important it was to get it, so instead, he got up, showered and headed to the vaccination centre.

He sat in his car, plucking up the courage to go inside. He took a few deep breaths before putting on his mask and heading inside.

He knew he had to do this. He entered the building before he could stop himself from turning round and walking back out.

An older man approached him as he entered. "Hi there, can I get you to sanitise your hands and then I'll take some details from you?" The gentleman said to Louis.

Louis used the alcohol gel to sanitise his hands. "Can I take your name and date of birth please?" The man who's name tag read 'Richard' asked.

"Louis Tomlinson, 12/24/91" Louis told him.

"Any coronavirus symptoms at all? Sore throat, loss of taste/smell or flu like symptoms?" The man asked which Louis answered no to all.

"Perfect, so you'll be receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine today so if you just go and stand in that line, the nurse will direct you where to go" he said pointing to Louis in the direction of the vaccinations stations.

Louis walked over, his heart rate increasing with every step he took. He approached the lady who 'Richard' had pointed to.

He looked down the row of chairs to see a few nurses and doctors sitting with patients.

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