Chapter 1

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Remus' fingers were completely numb from the cold. He had chosen his own dignity over wearing gloves even after Lily had recommended the Marauders to do so. He thought back to two weeks ago when he had burned with shame. 

He got an owl late at night, surprisingly from his parents, saying they were gone during the Christmas break and if he could stay with someone else. Sirius was out of the question and James' family had not liked him that much after his last visit when they accidentally almost caused a fire in the bedroom because James came up with the brilliant idea to roast marshmallows....on a fire in the bedroom. Nevertheless, they called home to his parents so that was the end of that.

That left Lily Evans. And although she was a girl, he hardly had any desire to stay with Wormtail or even one of his other friends he barely knew. He felt strange having to ask her but one day he took courage and asked to speak to her alone, leading her away from her friends and the eyes of a jealous James shooting daggers at his back. He had to explain later what he asked her just to ease the boy's poor mind.

She, fortunately, said yes, but did say she needed to ask her parents first. So now, he was standing in the fucking cold with his jacket a size too big for him and his fingers freezing, waiting for the Hogwarts express. He shot out of his mind when an arm was placed around his shoulders and a body was heavily leaning against him.

"-Mate, you better not do anything naughty," Sirius laughed hysterically, winking at him and then shooting a grin towards James who did his best to stay calm. They had all picked up on Sirius' stupid game to torture James about Lily, and he took every opportunity he could. Of course, this had no real impact on Lily's own judgement so there wasn't any real harm on James' dignity or chances with the girl.

"Yeah, funny," Remus said sarcastically with a hint of amusement. There was an entire crowd of students around them, all being pushed around. Some first years were shooting a spell or two at each other which one of the Professors had to put a stop on. He lifted his bags when it was time to step inside the train and kept his eyes on his friend, afraid of losing them. Every time he got on this train, he couldn't help but remember his first year at Hogwarts, how he knew so little about everything and how he met his friends.

They tried to search for an empty compartment but since they were so slow, most of them were filled up. Lily sighed whenever she came past another full one, Sirius muttered annoyingly and James tried to follow Lily's lead. That's when Sirius suddenly gasped exaggeratedly and opened one of the compartments.

"Well, well. I was wondering where the grease ball went. Mind if we sit here?" James pushed past them to stand next to Sirius in the doorway and rolled his eyes. Remus took an interest in himself and quickly glanced over their shoulders. And indeed, there, with his back against the window and a glare directed at them. 

From this distance, Snape appeared extremely small compared to the empty space around him. He was curled into himself as if to purposely make him smaller, his hair that was undeniably clean fell half in front of his face but he had his chin up high in the air and his hand was already reaching for his wand.

"Get the fuck out of here, Black," He sneered, straightening his back and averting his eyes from Sirius to briefly look at Lily who was behind them all. Before any of them could respond, the train seemed to shift forward and Remus had to grab the sides from losing his balance.

"Well, Snivellus, looks like we don't have any other choice." He confidently strode to an empty spot and sat down with a smirk on his face. Remus was confused as to why he hadn't done nor said anything overly cruel yet but no one seemed to mind and followed the lead. James and Lily were seated next to each other; Sirius next to James, James next to Lily and Lily opposite of Snape. Remus grimaced as he sat down on the far end opposite Sirius and Sirius snickered lightly.

Surprisingly, there was still no malicious move towards Snape so he let his concern for it disappear and decided to have fun with his friends instead of letting that boy ruin it. A conversation started while Snape just continued ignoring their existence. He hadn't once moved positions, hadn't even so much as glanced up at Lily, his ex-best friend. They had never made up after Snape called her that atrocious word. Remus couldn't blame her, who would want to willingly be friends with him or even look at him?

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