Chapter 4

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When it was night and he was lying in bed, he first started to wonder what the encounter was all about. He loved Lily dearly, but after the show with her parents, he started to question how much she actually lied to people. She was known as a person who's easy-going, honest and loyal. That was part of the reason why Remus had more trouble accepting that Lily wasn't who she said she was or at least what kind of impression she gave on others that she never bothered to correct.

He realized how deceived she could be sometimes. It was even harder to reflect upon that if you were friends with her, as he never bothered to analyze whether his friends were true to their words or not. He never did, because it never affected him. It was a selfish thought that he had to face. He didn't care if Sirius was cruel to Snape because it never had any impact on Remus. He let Lily lie to her parents because he didn't care. It wasn't his problem if it wasn't affecting his life.

So the sudden change of thoughts sent him into a loop he didn't know how to get out of. Lily apparently failed to even mention Snape lived nearby and her face from that evening indicated that she knew Snape visited that spot often enough for her to keep herself away from any emotions as if that encounter was normal for the two of them. Remus, on the other hand, felt utterly uncomfortable when Snape sat down a few steps away from them on the ground looking as pathetic as ever. How his back was hunched over and his head hanging down so that even if you tried, you couldn't see his face. Merlin, he looked more horrible than at Hogwarts which he didn't know was possible.

Remus grimaced slightly as he stared at the dark ceiling whilst reliving the events of the day. He had to stop thinking about it and in order to do that, he first had to review it carefully one by one until his mind was cleared before he could let it go. So he fell asleep on the memories of Snape sitting on the cold ground with his greasy hair, just to get it off his mind.

He almost didn't go downstairs the next morning when he found out Lily had abandoned him to go without him. He glanced at the empty bed with the covers thrown down and groaned softly. He hated it when the person he stayed with was already downstairs when he woke up because that meant he had to shamefully go down on his own, with all eyes on him and he'd stand awkwardly, waiting for instructions. At least he could change without locking himself up in the bathroom.

He changed into a pair of clean boxers, jeans and a shirt and did an attempt to brush his hair which only made it stand upright more. Upon opening the bedroom door, he immediately heard muffled voices and the smell of breakfast. He was hesitant on the stairs as if he wanted to make as little sound as possible. Lily and her parents were seated at the table filled with multiple choices. He wished he had breakfast like that every day but he and his own parents always ate separately. He offered them a hesitant smile and Ms Evans stood up with joy.

"Come take a seat." Her hand was suddenly placed between Remus' shoulder blades and he tried to suppress his flinch but couldn't help the slight tremor running through his body. Ms Evans didn't notice his discomfort at being touched or she merely chose to ignore it to not make it awkward. She halfway led him to the only available seat next to Lily and opposite of her father.

"What do you take with your breakfast, Remus? Tea or coffee. Oh, we have orange juice if you like?" Remus shifted on his chair and gratefully took the food that had been offered to him by the father and gave a nervous laugh at the overwhelming questions while Lily kept quiet and ate her toast with scrambled eggs.

"Coffee is fine, thank you," He said as his plate was slowly piling up with food. Lily grabbed his attention by gently kicking his calf under the table and right after that, a bar of chocolate was pushed into his hands that were under the table. He fought the urge to smile as he shrunk the chocolate bar and slipped it into his pocket. When he looked up, he huffed as Mr Evans gave him a small wink before lifting up his coffee mug and taking a big sip.

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