Chapter 7

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Warning: NSFW

Remus would've laughed at Severus' shocked face if it wasn't for the fact that he, himself, was also surprised at what he just asked. He realized that he probably shouldn't have asked his nemesis for a sleepover.

"And the reason for this sudden..." Severus trailed off from his sentence as he narrowed his eyes, waiting for Remus to confirm his suspicion in some kind of way. All he could offer was a weak smile in exchange as to convince the man to let him stay. There wasn't a reason as to why not except that he wasn't even friends with him but that was irrelevant.

Surely Severus wouldn't have that much trouble sharing a room for a night? Now that he actually thought about it, it was probably one of the strangest things Remus has done. When Severus finally began to understand that the smile was Remus' answer, he sighed and his shoulders slumped slightly as a sign of defeat.

"Ignorant twat," Was barely hearable before Severus turned around with a dramatic edge and walked up the stairs which hopefully indicated Remus to follow because else he'll seem like a fool. He barely registered the small smirk upon his lips from when Severus had scowled at him.

Fortunately, it was the right decision because Severus appeared quite pleased to see Remus was following him like an eager puppy without any insults or comments about his home. Remus had already suspected the state of his house when Lily described it but he hadn't thought it would be this bad. Naturally, he didn't say a word about it but he still looked around curiously and wondered where all the doors were leading to with the same wood as the front door, only in an even lesser state.

The stairs leading up were incredibly cramped and it lead to an equally thin hallway that was the second floor in which there were four doors or so. He stared at the grey walls that were completely bare unlike his own at home, where a collage of pictures hang in a neat row that was measured correctly by his father. 

If he hadn't seen the figure in the corner of his eyes stop abruptly, he would've bumped into him. Remus stopped on the spot as Severus shifted on his feet, obviously stalling or merely hesitating, while his back was turned towards him.

"Lupin, it's not-" He took a deep breath to collect himself, "My bedroom's not the luxury a stuck-up Gryffindor like you are used to," He sneered. If Severus would've said that to him two weeks ago, he would've already hexed the Slytherin into tomorrow but now he could merely observe the moment of weakness he showed. Perhaps that wasn't worded right...a faint moment where Severus let his guard down and show something else than biting insults.

"That's fine," he tried to say in a somewhat polite tone which wasn't his best quality because for some reason Severus snorted softly and shook his head. He had gathered the courage to open the bedroom door and walked in before Remus followed. It was a rather restricted room. The door knocked against the bed frame immediately and Remus hissed as he imagined the damage on the frame as he thought that this was probably a habit for Severus. 

It wasn't like he could change it so he really didn't blame him for it. It was just that Remus couldn't think about his parents coming into his room to gasp at some minor scratch and give him a lecture about how careless he was. He supposed that Severus' parents never came into his room or simply didn't care. He guessed it was the latter.

Severus shuffled forward to make room for Remus to step in and close the door behind him. They both stood there in the middle of the room, the only spot that was available to stand anyway. The bed wasn't much to look at; merely a dark brown colour as the frame with two thin cots on top of it.

Opposite of the bed stood a wardrobe that was quite old-fashioned and also rather beautiful if he could say so himself. There was no desk of any sorts that Severus could work on but living without one shouldn't give him too much trouble, although Remus did struggle not to show pity after he saw the bedroom. He wondered if there was even room for him to sleep or if Severus just intended to have him sleeping in the hallway. He smiled at the ridiculous thought of it.

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