Chapter 2

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He couldn't call it anything else. The tension in the train was getting worse within the minutes ticking by. Sirius didn't seem so bothered by what happened and tried to cheer him up but he couldn't help but look at Snape's book lying open on the ground and the small bag above the seats that reminded him of what happened mere minutes ago.

Slowly, things went back to normal but Remus couldn't stop thinking about it. Lily used to be friends with Snape, he knew that. And even if she couldn't forgive him, it was no reason to just sit there and laugh like the rest. However, Remus shouldn't give himself any credit either because he didn't do anything.

Two hours later they arrived. He briefly wondered where Snape might have hidden the entire remainder of the trip since he hadn't come back after it. Who could blame him? It was chaotic to get their bags and walk through the entire train with other compartments also trying to get out as fast as possible. There was screaming and yelling, excited talk about what they were doing for Christmas and that they were going to see their parents. Some were just glad to have a break from Hogwarts itself.

"C'mon, don't be so slow," Sirius yelled to him when Remus was still gathering all his belongings. He felt guilty for the empty wrappers everywhere but ignored it, they never cleaned it anyway. Just when he was about to follow his friends, he couldn't help but notice Snape's bag. Stating that it wasn't much was overestimating it. It was about the size of the backpack that James had but the difference was that Snape had one and James had another big bag.

Remus hesitated. He could take it with him out of the train and give it to him without his friends noticing. It wasn't that big anyway. More doubts crossed his mind but he still took it.

"Coming!" He had to work his way through the crowd in the train until he was standing on the platform, finally being able to breathe properly without someone pushing painfully against his chest. They'd changed into their normal clothes after Snape left and he was now dressed in his simple trousers and shirt whilst his robes were bunched up in his bag.

He was left standing still on the platform surrounded by his friends to say goodbye. He embraced Sirius rather harshly before Sirius pushed a box of chocolate in his hands with a wink.

"For the full moon." Remus snorted unintelligently as everyone knew his love for chocolate. He thanked him and then handshook James before having to say goodbye. He followed Lily through the swarm of people. The air seemed stuffy but he couldn't find a reason why. His eyes scanned his surroundings in hope of seeing Snape, to give the bag. Then he saw him. He stopped in his tracks.

"Lils, I'll meet you at the exit. I have to do something but I'll be back in a minute." Lily sighed deeply but gave him a curt nod, muttering to herself as she carried her stuff over to her parents with a smile on their faces. Remus turned around on his heels and quickly tried to find Snape again who disappeared once more. He felt himself getting more frustrated at the figure that kept going and going as if he was purposely running away from Remus, which he probably was. Fucking bastard. But it wasn't that hard to recognize him as he was one of the only students clad in the formal robes of his Slytherin house.

"Snape, hold up!" He eventually yelled, not caring if anyone heard. He made a small sprint when Snape didn't stop when his name was called and was close enough to grab his wrist. He felt his hand ghost over the bristly, black fabric of the hanging sleeve. There was a moment of silence around him but the moment he tightened his grip around the sleeve and then the arm, it vanished into triviality like it hadn't even happened. It was nearly regretful that it couldn't last longer but he couldn't rewind it. His fingers had already closed around the bony wrist that was cold to his touch. Almost like a snap of someone's fingers close to his ear, the sounds of the unknown crowd around him appeared.

"Fuck off," Snape murmured whilst trying to yank lose his sleeve. Remus was afraid that he'd pull at it too hard which would result in the thinnish fabric ripping although he refused to let go. He had trouble looking at Snape in the eye as he kept lowering his head more and more. A black curtain of hair hid his face surprisingly well. He didn't know why but he started to have the suspicion that the man was ashamed of something.

"Listen. Here's your stuff." Without more words being exchanged, he extended his arm with the bag and waited for Snape to take it. He didn't, though, and an awkward silence fell. Remus shrugged it off as nothing, clearing his throat and proceeding to set the bag on the dirty ground. Snape's eyes were wide with disbelief as if he expected Remus to torment him with it. It was gone like a flash.

"Did you open it?" He sneered, lip curling in disgust. Remus shook his head and Snape picked up the bag and turned around, tacky robes flowing gracefully behind him.

Remus had no time to think about the fact that he actually managed to have a conversation with the greasy git without it turning into a fight or a contest of who could throw the most hexes. Perhaps he gained this self-restraint because half of the school was there to see it, not to mention the parents.

He found Lily rather fast. Hovering next to her was a tall, slim man and besides that a woman who was a head shorter than the father. He didn't see Putenia and felt his nerves relax a bit. He heard stories about that awful person from Lily and how she detested her. There was no predicting whether Petunia was at home but he merely hoped she wasn't. He approached the three with his friendly smile meant for good impressions. He'd met them before but never so lengthy, never an entire week. Needless to say, he was shocked that they even said yes to him staying over. Actually, he had to make quite a sacrifice to do so by allowing Lily to say he probably didn't like girls. Which was obviously a lie, but they didn't need to know that little fact.

"Hello, Mrs en Mr Evans," He said politely and offered them his hand to shake. The man leaned forward and took his outstretched hand in his own calloused and bigger one. He shook it firmly. At first glance, he seemed intimidating to talk to but he was actually quite nice.

"It's good to see you again, Remus. I'd love to chat once we're home," He looked at Mrs Evans with glistening eyes, "Shall we go?" They had to take the muggle transport since the parents couldn't apparate. It was uncomfortable at the beginning but he wasn't unused to that feeling. He'd warm up over the week and get used to being around them. Tension seemed to seep out of his back as he relaxed more and more, falling into an easy conversation with Mrs Evans about school.

They got to the house and Remus had to admire how beautiful it was. He himself didn't quite fall into the category of poor but his parents never paid much attention to the outside of their house. The muggle neighbourhood looked neat and well cared for. The car door slammed shut and he almost dropped his stuff. Lily, who walked next to him to the door, huffed a laugh. They didn't talk much to each other and Remus was content with listening to the parents who were now talking about school and their final years coming up. The father carried the bags to the porch.

"-I can't believe you two are done in a year or two. Do you have any future plans already?" Mrs Evans babbled upon twisting the key in the lock and opening the door. It took a while for Remus to catch up with the fact he was being spoken to.

"Oh yeah. Er- I actually don't really know yet." He scratched his head and when he lowered his hand, he was fully aware of how unruly his hair was now. They talked a bit about his future and Lily's when seating themselves down on the couch. The father brought his stuff upstairs and then sat down on the armchair while the mother excused herself to make tea for them.

Lily eventually told them they'd go upstairs and Remus was thankful for the save since it appeared their talk was drifting over to having partners and lovers. He heard the muffled laughter of Mr Evans and then Mrs Evans scowling at him to leave the kids alone.

"Well, this is going to be a good week," joked Lily. Remus grunted in disagreement and let himself fall on the makeshift bed. Indeed, awkward conversations with parents and Christmas. 

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