Mission merge

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"Wakey wakey!" He said opening up the curtains and letting all the bright sunlight hit my eyes.
I groan while shifting around in my bed, facing away from the light
"Day 1 of our plan or shall I say mission merg-"
"You shall not"
"Look at you, always ruining my fun"
" yeah because I find joy in that"
"I'm sure you do. Now come on we don't have all day"
"Fine I'll be there. Give me 20 minutes"
"There we go. That's the spirit!"

• • •
I finish getting ready and walk downstairs to the kitchen. Where I find Kai sitting at the table with breakfast.
I walk over to him and decided to join him.

I clear my throat. "You're starring again"
He lets out a chuckle
"Anyways what did you make"
" I didn't know what you wanted so I just made a bit of everything. Waffles, pancakes, eggs, toast and French toast"
"I'll take waffles with French toast." I say then grabbing the food and taking a bite.
"How does it taste"
"Good. Who knew you could cook"
"What I have hobbies. Also are you on twitter?"
"No why?"
"I just signed up. You should follow me, it's cobrakai1972"
"Like karate kid"
"Yep. They all twitter the stupidest things it's...it's hilarious"
"Okay cobra Kai"
" you should get going to the grill now"
" what but I haven't finished my food yet"
"Oh well more for me then, now go go go"


It's currently noon and I'm sitting at a table in the mystic falls grill waiting for Caroline to show up.
Sooner or later I see her walk inside the grill.

I get up from my seat and see that blonde is going up to one of the workers. She goes up and talks to Matt
I go up there and ask Matt for napkins. He go and gets the napkins which gives me some time to make small talk with her

" hi, I'm Nora I just wanted to say that I love your denim jacket" I complement her

" oh my gosh finally! someone who has great fashion sense. Oh my name is caroline" she replies. She sticks her hand out for me to shake which I do then she talks to me again. " are you new to mystic falls?"
" no actually I'm not I have lived in mystic falls. My whole life"
"Oh how come I have never seen you here"
" my cov- my family were very overprotective about us. I left mystic falls for a few years but I'm back "
" why did you leave?"
" um just some family issues"
"Family issues?"
"Let's just say that me and my parents didn't have the best relationship."
"Well do you want to talk about it? I'm a great listener!"
" sure why not"


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