Miley Cyrus & Justin Bieber Juley Story: Love Story Part 12

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I Open my house door and Noah starts running towards me

Noah:Hey Miley! How was it??

Miley:huh?? How was what??

Noah:The date! *giggles*

Miley:What are you talking about?? we and Justin were only getting dinner!


Me and Noah walked upstairs

I sat down on the floor 

I put down the bottle of medicine

Noah:Whats that??


Noah:Why do you need Medicine??

Miley:Uh um I-I U-

Noah:Spit it out!

Miley:*whispers*I got hurt OKAY??

Noah:*loud*WHAT??? BY WHO??

Miley:*whispers*Shhhh! keep it down! promise me you won't tell anyone!


Miley:Okay! It was Liam!!

Noah:*gasps* Why did he hurt you??

Miley:*sighs*I don't know!

Noah:Are you okay to go on tour tomorrow?

Miley:I'm fine! Justin took me to the hospital and the doctor told me i'm fine but i might throw up a bit


Miley:I better get some sleep! big day tomorrow!

Noah:Ok! Goodnight!


I get changed into my PJs and tie my Honey Wavy Brown hair into a bun

I sneak down to the kitchen to grab a bowl

Tish:Miley?? Are you okay??

Miley:*gasps*OMG you scared me!!! yeah i'm fine!!*Grabs a bowl*

Tish:Why do you need a Bowl??

Miley:Because Uh... I need it on the trip and i forgot to pack it!

Tish:Okaii??? well goodnight! *walks back into her bedroom*

Miley:Goodbye mom!*sighs*Phew!

I walk back upstairs and placed the bowl next to my bed

I quickly fall to sleep


I wake up with a huge stomach ache

Miley:*whispers*oh sh*t!

I ran to my bathroom to the toilet

I Threw up in my toilet

Miley:*whispers*Oh sh*t! I don't feel well!

I flushed the toilet and went back to bed

I threw up in the bowl

Miley:Please don't tell me that i'm gonna be like this every night

I took some of the medicine that the doctor gave me and drank some water

I fell back to sleep again

I woke up at 6AM

I see Justin shirtless through my window

I bit my lip

Miley:*whispers*Holy sh*t! look at his abs

Then Justin puts a black shirt and black baggy pants and Gold NEO Adidas shoes

I closed the curtain

I got changed into the outfit in the multimedia on this page

I did my make up and chucked on a beanie on my head

I pulled along my suitcases and Put them in a black van at the front of our house

Tish:Now be a good girl while your away and have Fun!

Miley:Ok Mom!

Noah:I will miss you!*hugs her*

Miley:I'll miss you too noie!

Braison:What bout me?

Miley:*rolls her eyes*Of course!I will you miss you too

Billy:Be safe darlin! Don't take home too many boys!*jokes*

Miley:Yes Dad!*laughs*

Justin walks behind the van and puts his suitcases at the back of the van

Justin:are we ready to go??

Miley:Yup! i think so!


Miley:Here we go again!


Justin:I will miss you too!!*winks*

Pattie walks out the front of their house and walks up to the others

Pattie:Be a good boy for me Justin and i packed you Elmo bandages if you get hur-

Justin:Mom!!! don't embarrass me!

Pattie:Well have a good time!!*kisses him on the cheek and hugs him*

Justin:Love you mom!

Pattie:love you too!

Driver:it's time to go now

Miley:Bye Everyone!

Justin:Bye Mom!

We get inside the van

My family all waves at us

We put our seatbelts on

The driver starts driving

Miley:So..are you gonna speak to Selena today at the airport??

Justin:Yes! Of course!

Miley:Cool! I'm meeting Demi at the airport


I Look through the window and i saw 100 of fans running behind the van with signs saying "WE LOVE U JUSTIN" and "WE LOVE MILEY"

Miley:OMG we are here!!



Security:Lets go!*opens the van doors*

Security grabs our suitcases for us

We walk inside the airport and waited in line to check in

I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder

???:Hey Miley!! HOW are you??


sorry for the wait

who do you think is ???

comment below :-)

thanks for reading :-D

Miley Cyrus & Justin Bieber Jiley Story: Love StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя