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(sexual content ahead xD)


If it was a dream, she wouldn't want to wake up from it. The touch of her bare skin felt like electric shock, wanting to touch more of her. They locked eyes, those heterochromia eyes were stunning.. She made the first move.

She moved forward closing the gap between them. The other girl wrapped her hands around her neck drawing in closer, deepening the kiss.

Adora melts into the kiss, wrapping her arms around her waist and pulling her up against the wall. Her leg was sandwiched between her thighs. The other girl let out a soft groan as she bit her lip. "Adora..." rasped the other girl. As she trailed her kisses down Catra's jawline and onto her neck, she felt her fingers digging into her scalp.

She placed soft hot kisses receiving quiet moans from her.

She moved her hands inside Catra's shirt feeling her ribs and meeting than with her breasts. "You're not wearing a bra this time?" Adora asked meeting Catra's gaze, "Shut up and keep going..." She growled.

Catra grabbed her face smashing their lips together. She could do this all day... it felt like heaven every time they kiss. Adora slipped her tongue inside, their tongues met and played with each other. Catra moaned as adora bit her lip. As what felt like minutes they finally pulled apart for air.

"Hey, adora."

Adora jerked her head up away from her notebook quickly slamming the note shut.
"C-Catra!" Adora blurted out, she was lost in writing and didn't notice her walking up to her desk.

The girl was wearing a leather jacket, a plain black crop top on the inside, her hair was still wild and yet beautiful. Adora hadn't noticed that she was resting of one her hand on on her desk.

"What are you writing?" She asked curiously pointing towards the notebook. Adora gulped nervously slowly putting away the notebook, "It's.. uh.. it's just the test review from English.."

Catra smiled. "Oh really? i fell asleep and missed the review can I borrow?" She pleaded her placing other hand on her desk. Adora eyes widen, she was about to say no when the teacher came telling everyone to take their seats. Catra huffed when she got no reply and snatched the notebooks from Adora herself. "H-Hey!" Adora panicked reaching for it over her desk. Catra held her notebook high and quickly walked back to her seat somewhat far of by the wall.

She watched as Catra opened her notes and flipped to the last page where she had written her 'story' she watched as catra face expression turned into confusion, shock and than... disgusted..? Adora couldn't figure out what the other girl was feeling or thinking.

Catra has found out what she had been writing, now she will think she's a weirdo, a creep and will never hang out with her ever again.

Adora wanted to disappear, she was too embarrassed and hid her face by covering it with her hands. She peaked open towards Catra, she was looking over she shoulder staring back at her with an awkward expression. Adora quickly looked away from her blushing furiously with embarrassment.

After the bell had ranged. Catra walked up towards her desk holding the notebook behind her back. Adora avoided the eye contact still embarrassed. "Um.." Catra started blushing rubbing her neck. Adora looked up at her, they both stared at each other with silence before looking away while blushing.

Adora rose up to her feet, turning her head and locking gaze with her "Uh.. sorry.. you.. um..."  Adora was at a loss for words. She started panicking because of the awkwardness and quickly grabbed her belongings and dashed out the door. She set a reminder to burn the notebook.

Oh shit.. Catra still has it..


Wow.. That was embarrassing. 😳

Anyway I hope y'all are enjoying this 😂

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