Idea 4

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George has feelings for dream
Dream has feelings for George
Neither of them know
They both confess to Sapnap about these feelings and he tells George to confess to Dream as he knows Dream feels the same way. George and Dream meet up in Florida and George confesses that he likes Dream. Drean mucks up (or maybe doesn't hear George properly or something) and say s he's sorry but he doesn't feel the same way even though he does. George finds a hotel cause he finds it really awkward or something you think of something). George rings Saonap up in tears and tells him, enititally George is mad at Sapnap because he thinks Saonap played a joke on him but eventually he realises thats not the case. Everyone gets mad at Dream for saying he liked George but rejected him. Leading to


not sure how it could effect George but could also have ANGST.
Sounds cheesy written out, but I'm sure you can work with it


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