Ripe Fruit

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It was an innocent encounter at the grocery store, but your thoughts were far from innocent and you no longer felt guilty about it. Two weeks ago, you would have been ashamed of yourself. One week ago, that all changed. Your soon-to-be ex-husband was the one who chose to cheat. His reasoning? He could no longer put up with your irritability, mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats . . . and insatiable sexual appetite.

Instead of getting a reduced libido at your age like most women, you were experiencing a "sex surge*", and he couldn't keep up. Ironically, he turned to another woman for sex. You strongly suspect you hurt his ego when he wasn't able to fulfill your sexual needs. Bored and without anything better to do on a Friday night now that you had kicked his ass to the curb, you suddenly found yourself grocery shopping in the late evening hours at a 24-hour grocery store.

The man picking out apples next to you was damn hot and you weren't going to let yourself feel guilty for thinking it anymore now that you were getting a divorce. Just moments before, you watched him as he walked toward the stack of apples. He carried himself with confidence and had the sexiest stride. You had the almost uncontrollable urge to knock down the entire stack of apples, lay down in its place, and exclaim, "Pick me instead!"

 You had the almost uncontrollable urge to knock down the entire stack of apples, lay down in its place, and exclaim, "Pick me instead!"

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His lips were plump and you were curious if they were as soft as they looked. You wanted to feel them all over your body, especially on your nipples and clit. His brown eyes were filled with mystery. His flawless, honey skin glowed. His long, sculpted legs outlined brilliantly by his tight jeans led up to a round, firm ass you wanted to squeeze to check for ripeness. You envisioned riding his well-toned thighs. Unfortunately, he was also younger. He probably saw you as someone too old to even consider having sex with.

"I love Fuji apples," he suddenly said. You looked at him and saw he was smiling at you. Then, you noticed he appeared to be checking you out. When he bit his lower lip, he gave himself away.

"I do, too," you replied, taken aback and pretending you didn't notice.

"I really like firm, sweet, juicy things," he continued, moving towards you.

"Yes, Fuji apples have just the right amount of sweetness," you confirmed.

"I wasn't talking about the apples."

You turned in shock and saw his body was only inches away from yours, his eyes fixed on you. He pushed his tongue into his cheek. You looked deep into his chocolate eyes and began to grow wet. As hot as you thought he was, you were not quite sure how to respond. You hadn't been hit on since before you had a ring on your finger.

"Hi. I'm Jimin," he said, smirking and holding his hand out to you for you to shake it. You smiled as you introduced yourself, shook his hand, then returned to picking apples.

"Huh? That's odd," he muttered. You glanced at him and saw a confused look on his face as he looked at his hand.

"What's odd?"

He shook his head with an expression of disbelief on his face. "Oh, nothing," he replied, then turned his eyes back on you and smiled.


Jimin POV

I felt her energy from the other end of the grocery store. It made me pass by plenty of other potential women. I was driven to find her, whoever she was. I spotted her over by the apples. She was older than I had pictured her during my search for her in the store. I had heard that older women were fabulous lovers, but I had never ventured to try a woman this much older. I like my women fertile so I can spread my seed. I was intrigued, to say the least. The draw of her sexual energy was irresistible. It was the most powerful sex drive I had ever felt, and I was intoxicated by it. I had to have her.

I approached and started to work my charms, flirting with her. I then reached my hand out for her to shake it. That's all it would take--one touch. Just one touch of my hand and she would be dropping everything, taking me home, and begging me to fuck her. I loved the perks that went along with being an incubus.

What the hell?! It didn't work! She shook my hand, then went back to picking apples! Now, I was even more determined. But what was my next step? I had never failed before.


Jimin's puzzled expression was cute and his smile afterward gave you tingles. Still, you wondered what his true motives were for approaching you. Was there a hidden camera somewhere? Was this some sort of bet? Did he want a one-night stand or a relationship? He oozed a womanizer vibe, but you didn't really care.

"I like you. Want to go out?" he asked you, somewhat awkwardly. It was almost as if he had never asked a woman out before. Considering he was gorgeous, you figured that may have actually been the case. You pictured young women throwing themselves at him. He could easily have his pick of women.

Embarrassed, you laugh at the preposterous idea that he likes you--an older woman. "Look, you're a very attractive man, Jimin. I'd love to go out with you. But, is this some sort of joke? I mean, I am a bit older than you."

"It's no joke. I find you very, very attractive," he replied with an intense look on his face. He looked your body over again, licking his lips as if he was hungry and you were his long-awaited meal. It excited you.

"Okay," you smiled, feeling giddy. You exchanged numbers with him, and you each carried on with your shopping. As you passed the pharmacy section, you stopped, turned around, and made a brief detour to pick up some condoms.


Jimin POV

I have decided I'm going to play it slow with this woman. I've never done that before. Hell, I've never had to. But I can't resist her. I must have her, even if I have to wait. I wondered if this was what it felt like to be a human--the challenge of trying to get a woman to go out with you. "Trying." The ridiculous thought of ever having to try made me scoff in my head. Yet, here I was, trying.

I asked her out and she seemed to think I was joking around. I did my best to let her know just how serious I was. As I looked her body over again, my mouth started to water. I uncontrollably stuck my tongue out to taste her essence in the air. And what a delicious essence it was! It was amazingly strong, too. I felt a zap of energy quickly course through my body. After we exchanged numbers and she left, I secretly followed and watched her. She suddenly turned around after passing the pharmacy section. Yes! She picked up a box of condoms. She was going to be mine, and at this point, I didn't care if I had to wear a condom to have her.

The wait was going to be a painful one. I decided to find myself a snack to help ease my frustration, and the snack I chose had pretty brown eyes.

Author's Note

*Sex Surge® is a real condition that affects a small percentage of perimenopausal women. Although there is limited research into this condition, some believe it is caused by a slight relative increase in testosterone as estrogen levels drop. Women experiencing a Sex Surge® have a greatly increased libido instead of the stereotypical reduced libido that coincides with perimenopause. For more information, go to

On a side note, I strongly believe that the root cause of the "sex surge" in older women is Motherfucking Park Jimin. Just sayin'.

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