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Em's POV:

"Yeah, they're fun, great friends, weirdo here has a little soft spot for hunter"

I elbowed Ed and he hit me back, I just laughed at how pink to red his face was getting

We laughed a bit and stayed till they finished closing

Edric's POV:

"So, what do y'all wanna do before we have to go back home?"

We stood outside the shop looking at each other thinking about where to go, a few seconds passed and an idea popped in my head

"Hey, I have an idea...ok, so earlier this weak Me and Em went walking and heard a noise, we thought it was a person so we followed it, when we stopped it wasn't there..."

I could see Jerbo getting a little jumpy and Viney raised a brow

"Anyways, we came upon a spot in the forest that had two big train cars, and on the cars was graffiti-"

"So, any gangsta or people do graffiti and art on train cars and stuff" Jerbo had a hic in his voice, meaning he was a bit scared

"Yeah but guess who did the graffiti and art"

"Uhhhh don't know, who?" Viney was polite and not scared enough to answer, unlike some one I'm not mentioning the name to

"You'll see, and the best part about it, is we think we know who it is"

Emira's POV:

"Well we're close"

"almost there..."

"...I believe it's this way"

"How much farther? We shouldn't be out in the woods this late" Jerbo was always the scaredy cat

"It's heeeerreeeee........shhh!".... There were people already here....who?

We turned our flash lights off and watched as the people went in and out of the cars, the walked around and had bright flash lights of their own

They look familiar......but who are they?

Luz's POV:

"Ok Luz I think we should go, your mother is almost home" dad had a hand on my shoulder and informed me

"Alright, ...Uncle!! Get your ass out here, we need to go...hey!, Don't touch anything in there!"

We heard stomping and the sound of uncle getting out on the other side, then closing it shut and the sound of the chains and lock being locked

I already made sure mine was locked up tight and uncle can lock and unlocked anything so we're good with hunters

"Alright alright, calm your horses, I'm coming, you ready?" He came around and shined the light in our faces

"Quit doing that, it's annoying" dad gave uncle a look and he turned the flash light off

"Alright fine, let's go"

Finally making it back, we wade it in my room, uncle left cause he wanted his beauty sleep but dad stayed

"Well I hope you had fun tonight" I was already in my pajamas and plugged up my phone

I got in bed and dad sat at the edge near me "yeah, I did, thanks for the ice cream too"

"No problem" he smiled, I then remembered something "oh! Wait, I forgot"

I got up and grabbed my pants, I took the coin from earlier and tossed them back down

"Forgot to give that back" I held it out to him and he smiled shaking his head and pushing my hand back

"Keep it, it's yours" I seemed surprised and glad, this coin is too cool

"Really!? Thanks!"

"So, ....I actually been wanting to discuss another subject with you about something"

I raised a brow "ok?" He was quiet for a moment then looked at me

"I'll be busy for the next week....and...i know you have school and all but I would like you to visit me, or me visit you?"

I nodded acknowledging what he said "sure! I would love to visit!" Did I say something wrong? He seems like he's about to tear up

Lucifer's POV:

Love.....she said love......she would love to visit me!? MmMMmMMmMmmmm........hehehe

*internal happy sqeals*

Luz's POV:

"I'll like that...tho there's another concern too" huh...ok, there seems to be alot of concerns

"If you do, I will like to assign you a protector, just a body guard who knows the places and well....you get what I mean?"

I nodded, but I can take care of myself "they'll be with you in and out of hell, not like with you with you but assigned to you all time"

"Yeah, but I can take care of myself, I've ran away from cops, avoided some bullies, survived from falling off high dangerous buildings, do lots of parkour...yeah, that kind of stuff"

He laughed and had a hand on my shoulder "yes, I can tell....." Wonder how? I didn't tell...well I have mentioned it

"But there is a bigger cause to as why I'm going to do this....but wait, I don't want to ruin the thing"

"Okaaay.....alright" I smiled, "alright, well good night Luz, there is much to discuss but later on in time...you just have a nice sleep"

I smiled "night......dad?"

Lucifer's POV:


Luz's POV:

He left and I got settled in bed... hopefully I can sleep tonight

I set the coin right Infront of me and stare at it thinking about what just happened these past few hours

I then start to feel tired and turn my lamp off, shifting to get comfortable I finally find a spot and fall asleep



Hey!!!! Uncle's not here!! I can't actually try and get sleep.....

*Picture that Amity sent of herself to Luz pops up in her head*



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